Battlefords Fit Body Boot Camp
Discover The Battleford Fitness Boot Camp That Burns Twice The Fat, Gets You Fit And Challenges Your Body Every Time. Training Schedule Hours
Monday - Friday
5:30 am; 6:15 am
12:10 pm
5:00 pm; 5:45 pm; 6:30 pm
8:15 am, 9:00 am
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Check out these awesome results achieved by Chantelle!. She is strong and super motivated!.
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Still doing the same routines? Ready for something new? Come try our Afterburn workout!
Photos from Battlefords Boot Camp's post
Congratulations Brandi and Deanna for attending 50 sessions!!. That's dedication!.
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Which would choose??? Mine would be, house cleans itself, for sure!
What motivates you to get your body moving each day? Let us know in the comments!
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Happy Mother's Day Supermoms!
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Need the motivation to climb? Battlefords Body Boot Camp and your classmates are here for you!
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Hey all... coach 'Super Solver' here... loads of fun in Super Hero Day today!!
4 Scientifically Proven Ways to Get Workout Motivation
Think you can't get the motivation to work out? Science tells us otherwise! Here are 4 science-backed ways to motivate yourself to work out!
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Check out these awesome results achieved by one of our amazing members!
15 ways to lose the last 10 pounds
15 ways to lose the last 10 pounds when you work out @ Battlefords Body Boot Camp