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Victory Church - Airdrie Campus

508 3rd Avenue SE, Airdrie, Canada
Religious Organization



Victory Church is a Multiple-Site/Multiple-Campus Church Family where we love God and love people. Victory Church is a Multiple-Site/Multiple-Campus Church Family where we love God and love people.



Happy Father Day, Pastor Sherwyn! Thank you for your love, wisdom, and care. We love and appreciate you today!

Delivered from Spiritual Blindness: “Brought into the knowledge of your Inheritance.” Pastor Sherwyn Tryon Welcome to our Sunday Morning Father's Day Service.

In honour of Father's Day tomorrow, share something your Dad taught you! 👍 . . #fathersdayatAVC #lessonslearned #goodadvice #airdrievictory

Only 4 days until our Father's Day Celebration! We want to honour all the Dads this weekend, because being a Dad isn't easy! What an opportunity to thank them and show them how amazing they are because they deserve it! ❤️ . We've got a yummy treat for all the men, a door prize, an encouraging message and more! . We're so excited to celebrate Father's Day with you! Join us Sunday at 10 am! . . #fathersdayatAVC #airdrievictory #victorychurch #churchfamily

What a powerful word by Pastor Sherwyn Tryon this morning. We don't have to live in bondage. Jesus has set us free.

Looking forward to coming together tomorrow to lift up the NAME that is worthy of ALL praise! J · E · S · U · S ☝🔥👏 . . Join us SUNDAY at 10 am! . . #heisworthy #churchfamily #airdrievictory #victorychurch

Pastors Sherwyn Basil Tryon and Amanda Crowie Tryon we wish you a very blessed 25th Anniversary. Thank you for pouring your lives into our church family. You are a blessing and we declare increase more and more over your marriage. Thank you for your love and example.

What an absolutely incredible time we had at our Family First service on Sunday! Our NextGen brought it!! 💥👊🔥🙌 . Pastor Terry brought the house down with an amazing word on New Beginnings. . With God, A+B doesn't always equal C. God wants us to seek Him, trust Him and draw closer to Him. . #familyfirst2018 #theadventurebegins #newbeginnings #churchfamily #airdrievictory #victorychurch

Pastor Terry Krahan

Are you ready for church tomorrow? ⛪👍 Cause we are! . Pastor Nick will be sharing a word with us called "No Fear Here". 🚫 . Let's come together to worship and be empowered to be everything that He has called us to be! Join us tomorrow at 10 am! . #nofearhere #churchfamily #bettertogether #airdrievictory #victorychurch


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