Quality custom tattooing by Alan Jones..
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Work in progress needs a bit more work doing . Fun under sea sleeve .
Weekend was a blast of ink and black and grey . Keep them coming still loving it after all these years .
Work in progress 1 more session to go . Monday funday
Lots more to show but all in good time ;-)) some of the smaller things I got to work on lately lol 😂
Fun tattoo today 😉 the beginning of a sleeve
A bit of yesterday and earlier
No girly color stuff today demonic black and grey .I’m having fun with this one #blackandgreytattoo #demonictattoo #smeermaas #bluepearltattooalan #bluepearltattoo #funtattoos #happyhalloween
Work in progress bio mech skull back piece the side bits and bobs and some filler .
On going bio Tibetan type skull #bluepearltattooalan #smeermaas #blackandgrey #funstuff #crazybiotattoo
Another gem from Joshua . Got to love this ;-)
Joshua is keeping busy with his style of geometrical dot work mandalas and black and grey . Get some .. snooze you lose
Thanks Evi for letting me work some nature pics on your back better picture later #flowertattoos #prettyasapicture #bluepearltattooalan #maastricht #lanaken #colortattoo

Love doing foxes #foxtattoo #bluepearltattooalan #lanaken #funtattoos #tgif #letsgetfubar

Fridays finisher :-) thanks for liking my style ! #bluepearltattooalan #japaneseskull #japanesesnake #funtattoo #smeermaas

Saterdays lil scribble super client #colorlotustattoo #butterfliestattoo #nofilterforthenofikterfanslol #bluepearltattooalan #smeermaas

A bit of black and grey fun ouch #bluepearltattooalan #blackandgreytattoos #chestpiecetattoos #lanaken #maastrichttattoo

Some recent tattoos keep forgetting to post .. nothing is really finished but are you ever while skin still shows haha #colourtattoo #funtattoos #bluepearltattooalan #smeermaas

Bit posted much lately so here goes more colour Alanese on its way #bluepearltattooalan #japanesetattoo #snaketattoo #alanesejapanesey #colourtattoo #nofilterneeded

Work in progress a bit raw at the moment #colourtattoos #mangatattoos #funstuff #maastricht #smeermaas

French bulldog better picture to come after the healing #dogportrait #colourtattoos #blackandgreytattoo #funtattoo #bluepearltattooalan #lasttattootonight

Woman with headphones real fun to do #headphonestattoos #womantattoo #funday #cooltatsforcoolcats #blackandgrey#maastricht

Monday fun day #bluepearltattooalan #getyourinkon #smeermaas #colourtattoos #maastricht #butterflytattoo #microphonetattoo

More girly stuff today #colourtattoos #smeermaas #bluepearltattooalan #funtattoo #getyourinkon
