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CrossFit Gent

Forelstraat 27, Gent, Belgium
Gym/Physical Fitness Center



CrossFit Gent "Improve your fitness" Crossfit is a strength and conditioning program



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As far as community goes, very fews things show of more dedication then rooting all day for your fellow athlete who’s leaving it all at the competition floor. Work hard, move well, be nice, have fun and success will follow. #liegethrowdown #omnimovegames #crossfitgent #community #sunsoutgunsout #sunsoutbunsout #comewithmeifyouwanttolift @crossfitgent @miendc @meiamaes @kellydesmidt @kevin_prime_1

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17.5 The movie with our awesome Community!

17.5 The movie with our awesome Community!

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Finished the CrossFit Games OPEN with our community and it was so much FUN to see all of our members enjoying this journey! #crossfitgent #crossfit #gent #visserij #theopen #crossfitgames #degezelligstecommunity #weloveourmembers

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Sporten in de natuur en zon over de middag, check de visserij buurt met al zijn gezellige parkjes :) Veel van onze WOD's gaan vanaf nu buiten door, uniek aan deze locatie is ook een heuvel Run en obstakel parkourtje. CrossFitGent=> Think outside the BOX! #crossfitgent #crossfit #gent #visserij #degezelligstecommunity #trainoutsidethebox #sunsoutgunsout #doyouevencrossfitbro #canyoudemonstrateskills

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17.4 CrossFitGent Games OPEN

Funky vibes during our 17.4 OPEN Games WOD @ CrossFit Gent with our super skilled members!

17.4 CrossFitGent Games OPEN

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The OPEN for us is about bringing the members and community together. We cheer for each other, high five/fistbump after each WOD, have FUN, laugh and become fitter and stronger. Moving more and doing sports is easy when we call it PLAY! #crossfitgent #gent #crossfit #visserij #weloveourmembers #careaboutyourmembers #weloveourcommunity #practicewhatyoupreach #wehavefun #play #move #sports

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17.3 CrossFit Games CFG OPEN

CrossFit Games Open with our "Powerful Beyond Measure" Community Our members are having a blast so far doing the Open; they created teams, dressed up for it, got some rewards from our sponsors, encouraged each other and gave it their best effort! The OPEN for us is about bringing everybody together for the Friday Night lights, that special moment where you go hand in hand to attack the same WOD that every CrossFit BOX in the WORLD is doing. We love our members and are proud of each and every one of them :) #crossfitgent #crossfit #Gent #9000 #visserij #weloveourmembers #havefundoingsports #traintogether #community #focusontechnique #careaboutyourmembers #practicewhatyoupreach #coacheswhocanhelpfromexperience #Kjure #kjureofficial #areyounoccoenough #noccobenelux

17.3 CrossFit Games CFG OPEN

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2016 best nine demonstrates that we Inspire, Motivate and Care about your fitness. We will do our absolute best to continue our growth for all members within the Community of CrossFitGent in 2017. Happy, Fit and healthy new year for all of you! #crossfitgent #degezelligste #bestcommunity #proudofourmembers #crossfit #gent #visserij #wearethecrazyones #Inspire #Motivate #Care #2016bestnine #2017🎄

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Wim Hof method workshop, register by following the link below =>

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Fijne Kerst!!! #merrychristmas #12daysofchristmaswod🎄 #community #degezelligste #crossfitgent #gent

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Wim Hof Method ll Innerfire Workshop ll door Pieter Coenaerts

Wim Hof Method ll Innerfire Workshop Duur van de workshop : 5,5 uur Prijs : 80€ voor niet leden van crossfit Gent en 60€ voor leden Lesgever : Pieter Coenaerts Locatie: CrossFitGent, Forelstraat 27/ 9000 Gent

Wim Hof Method ll Innerfire Workshop ll door Pieter Coenaerts

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Think outside the box! @ the top of the CrossFit pyramide it says "sport", basicly go out and have fun playing new sports. Recently we did lacrosse, rugby, snowboarding, skying, thai box, endurance running... Many more fun things to try out there :)

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NEAR CrossFit Gent


Gent, Belgium
Gym/Physical Fitness Center