Bass Coast' #1 CrossFit Box!
Forging a broad, general, and inclusive fitness scalable for all ages & abilities by prescibing “constantly varied, functional movement performed at high intensity"
CBX CrossFit is building better humans in the Bass Coast!
We are the one-stop shop for all! With programs scaled to cater for people at ALL levels of fitness and to suit ALL ages. If you’re just starting to get serious about your fitness goals, we’re here to help. If you’re into hard-core fitness and you’re looking for challenge, we’ve got that too. If you just want to get moving or become an unstoppable athlete, – you guessed it, we’ve got that covered. All you need is the desire to better yourself and we can help you!
Join our incredible CBX CrossFit community today!
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS"The weight loss is impressive, but the mental shift is breathtaking" A great article inspiring others just like her to give CrossFit a shot!
TIA-CLAIR TOOMEY 2017 CROSSFIT GAMES FITTEST WOMAN ON EARTH 🌏🇦🇺 Our #aussie girls brought home 1st & 2nd! Kara Web finished 2nd by just 2 points in a historic finish!! Ricky Gerard also doing the Aussies proud finishing in 3rd in the Men's individual! 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
CBX SATURDAYS #monstermetcon 😬😬
Overcoming addiction and finding her passion for CrossFit, Becc's story is a real tear jerker. We are so lucky to have such an inspiring and determined young women a part of our CBX CrossFit community!
Check out the feed back from one very happy mother of two! 🙌🏽 Get the kids off their screens this afternoon for our 4pm CBX kids session! 💪🏽😜
The count down is on!!! The 2017 Reebok CrossFit Games will take place Aug. 3-6, at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin. Download the or visit If your new to the CrossFit scene & have Netflix, get on & watch The Fittest On Earth to get yourself up to date with the action this year!
🌟BRING A FRIEND FOR FREE🌟 #metconsaturday
We have got an array of incredible humans at CBX CrossFit and we can't help but be inspired by all their stories! Here is one story that is sure to inspire anyone who has dealt with chronic pain and/or suffered from an injury. Sarah speaks of overcoming a bad diagnosis, the transition to CrossFit, finding her strength and competing at the Police & Emergency Services CrossFit Games! Sarah is an absolute champion, a super mum and a pleasure to coach!
If there’s one thing that separates CrossFit from other gyms & strength-and-conditioning programs, it’s the community. In our opinion, this factor is just as important as technique, coaching & programming. The emphasis on community is what’s changing the mental health of the members at each gym & what has the capacity to impact the greater community of people in general. At CBX we are striving to foster that feeling of fellowship — that sense of uniting around a common interest or goal — The importance of social support is that it provides motivation. Working out within our CrossFit community makes us feel good & encourages us to push ourselves to new limits that we didn’t think were possible. It is a special thing that we can develop further by welcoming new members & making them feel that they accepted as part of the CBX family. 7AM this Saturday & the last of every month, we welcome our members to bring along their friends, family members, colleagues & partners FOR FREE!
We received a box of beanies this morn!! Keep ya noggin warm & grab one next time your in $10 👌🏽
⚡️Wonthaggi Power Footballers ⚡️Great sesh boys! Best of luck for the rest of the season!! 👍🏽🏉