Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Williamstown
Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Nelson Place Williamstown,
Beautiful and historic blue stone church on the waterfront in Williamstown. A lovely and popular venue for weddings. Visit Holy Trinity and you will find:
A warm welcome
A lively spirituality for today’s world
A parish that is open, generous and inclusive.
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Coventry Cathedral's welcome to all applies to Holy Trinity too!
Episcopal Church Memes
Epiphany is upon us...
Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Williamstown's cover photo
The Son and the Sun: How Christmas became a Christian Feast – Opinion – ABC Religion & Ethics (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
While we are still in the Christmas mood...
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Continuing our enjoyment of our newly restored organ, we present a summer music series: Bach with a Bite
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You are warmly invited to celebrate Christmas at Holy Trinity...
Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Williamstown's cover photo
Timeline Photos
The Church is in festive mode... the choir in good voice. Join us tonight at 7 for our service of 9 lessons and carils.
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Christmas fare orders packed and ready for pick up tomorrow...
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Don't forget this coming Sunday evening is our service of 9 lessons and carols to welcome Advent. Our special guest organist is John Rivers.
Sweet Jesus: There’s a ‘hipster’ nativity scene you can buy
If Jesus was born today...????
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The Sunday before Advent is known as Stir Up Sunday... and is traditionally the day for making the Christmas Pudding/Christmas Cakes... Why? Because in the old Book of Common Prayer the Collect began... 'Stir up we beseech thee...'