Hair styling for weddings and events!
Danielle is a talented hair stylist, specialising in vintage inspired hair design. Hailing from Melbourne Australia, she moved to explore the wonders of London in 2013.
In the first month of her move Danielle stumbled upon a gorgeous boutique salon by the name The Parlour London, where she works full time as salon manager, senior stylist and vintage virtuoso.
During her adventures in London, she has created some amazing opportunities and has started to make a name for herself in the London fashion scene. Danielle has surrounded herself by makeup artists, designers, photographers and models in various roles such as lead stylist for a Swiss Fashion Show, this shoot, and that shoot, just to name a few.
Danielle has completed various post-graduate studies, adding different skills, qualifications, experiences and unique creativity to her styling, finding inspiration where ever she goes.
Now home again in Melbourne Danielle wants to inspire you by what she has learnt over the past two years through her travels.
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