Ulladulla Leisure Centre - providing recreational activities that enhance and promote a fun, fit and healthy lifestyle. Come down and enjoy our large range of activities from Swimming lessons and squad training to recreational swimming in our 25m indoor, toddler and hydrotherapy heated pools, as well as our seasonal outdoor 50m solar heated pool.
We have a fully equipped gymnasium with the lasts and greatest cardio equipment, free weights and pin loaded machines.
Constant gym supervision for any questions that you need answered, we are here to help you feel comfortable on your fitness journey.
A brand new Group Fitness Studio offering a massive variety of group Fitness Classes morning & night to cater for all fitness levels.
For more information & membership enquires please contact The Ulladulla Leisure centre during operating hours or come in and see our friendly staff.
The Ulladulla Leisure Centre making Fitness Fun.
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LEARN TO SWIM PROGRAM FEEDBACK WEEK Mon 05/06 (due to public holiday) & Tue 13/06 to Sat 17/06/17 All students are currently being assessed and recommended for progression if showing consistent completion of the set skills of their level. (Most have also been moved to the next level's class). This week we encourage all parents to have a discussion with your child's instuctor to understand their skill progression, attitude to learning and in-class behaviour.

GREY MEDALLION - POSTPONED Due to low enrolment numbers we have postponed the course until later in the year. Please register your interest in this fully funded course on 44448811 so we can contact you when rescheduled.
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ENROLMENTS CLOSING SOON Call today on 44448811 to reserve your place in the FREE Grey Medallion course. Starting 6 June, running for four weeks on Tuesdays from 1pm-3pm.

Photos from Ulladulla Leisure Centre's post
We have been splashing some colour and motivation around our gym with plenty of new and exciting things in the pipelines 😁😁😁including a new Smith Machine So stay tuned for what's to come 💪🏼

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MONTHLY SQUAD MEETING This Friday 26/05/17 6:00pm creche

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STILL TAKING SWIM SCHOOL BOOKINGS Book now and only pay for the remaining lessons!

NEW PROGRAM STARTING SOON Ulladulla Lesiure Centre in association with Royal Life Saving Society is proud to run the Grey Medallion. This program will run for four weeks on Tuesdays from 1pm-3pm starting 6 June. The Grey Medallion is a water Safety and lifesaving skills program for older people aiming to reduce drowning rates and encourage healthy, independent and active lifestyles. Call today on 44448811 and reserve your place.

The indoor pool will be closed Sunday 21st May due to a swimming carnival. Gym will be open as normal.
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SWIM SCHOOL INFORMATION Have you read our updated notice board on pool deck? The information shows the pictorial progression of the main swimming strokes throughout the swim school levels. If you have any further questions please see our Coordinator Tracy or ask your child's teacher.

Photos from Ulladulla Leisure Centre's post
SPEEDO SALE* 20% of all Swimwear 30% Of all Swimwear If you Like This Post Like our page Comment and Tag 2 Friends Sale ends 31st May 2017* *Discounts do not apply to allready marked down Items *Does NOt Include Back Beach Jackets

The indoor pool with be closed Sunday 7th May due to a swimming carnival. Gym will be open as normal.
Super Saturday Post Poned until Saturday 13th May BOOK NOW!