Les Richmond Automotive
For all Land Rover enthusiasts out there. Follow us to see and learn the art of building modified Land Rovers and new products as we develop them. We will post vehicles we have built and current Land Rover projects. Because with passion comes perfection!
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facebook.comLand Rovers I’m sure are a disease, definitely hereditary anyway. It all starts from a young age and just grows and festers. It did for me as a young bloke looking at my fathers Range Rovers and it seems my son has caught it as well. As a 17yo year 11 student doing woodwork was given a project to build a wooden model. Well that started something I’m sure the school wasn’t ready for as my son takes on a project, well he commits. He trolls my phone, Facebook and web site. He found a few pics of a 130 Defender we helped build a year or so back. So after painstaking 6 months, over 160 hand sculpted pieces of wood he finally finished. An accurate to scale model from a full chassis, coil springs, body and tray. Not a bad effort. He has run out of time, still needs a few door handles, mirrors etc, thought it was worth sharing.
Why oh Why! Now they make the centre diff 1/2 as strong as the earlier one in my opinion. 1 cross shaft and 2 side gears v’s 2 cross shafts and 4 side gears. And yes I can see the cross shaft is thicker, but the side gears are not. Just another step backwards that we have to continually correct. This just frustrates the hell out of me. You can see the three different centre diffs in the second picture. 1: From the 2015 Defender. 2: From most LT230’s 3: Ashcroft helical upgrade we use.
The Discovery 2 with our prototype body lift gets picked up today. We also pre-fitted our Fatboy flares as well. The owner is going to get them painted and finish off the infills and mudflaps. Once he is finished it will be an impressive sight on the road. I’m sure a few heads will turn. We are very pleased with the way the new bodylift kit has come up especially the way the front and rear bars align with the bodywork. Production of this kit starts today. We will have some kits available in 2 weeks. A big thanks to Daniel for loaning us his car to finalise this kit.
Discovery Series 2 Body Lift kit 2.5” or 64mm This has been a kit we have wanted to finalise for a while now. We have done our final installation and are pretty happy with the results. Not the kits you find on eBay, 10 spacers and some bolts. We are talking a quality built kit covering all issues. Kit includes........ 4 x mid outrigger spacers braced east-west 6 x tubular spacers, firewall and 4 x inner. 2 x front brake line brackets. 1 x manual gearstick extension 1 x Steering shaft extension kit 2 x rear body spacers, braced north-south to rear of chassis and rear bumper raiser. 2 x front body spacers which also is tied to the front bumper / bull bar to raise it 64mm and is also braced back to the chassis spreading the load off the front of the chassis. 1 x automatic trans cable adapter kit. Repositions the automatic shifter cable to operate correctly. This kit should be available in 3-4 weeks. Price TBA. Estimate $1200.00.
Today we handed over the keys to the owner of the Black Defender 90 - LS3 - TR6060 6 speed manual project. To say the owner was impressed would be an understatement. Very sad to see the 90 go, but all the work was well worth the results. So effortless to drive, so supple in appearance but by gee does it get up and boogie.
For those of you who wonder how much work we do to build our vehicles. I have put together a 4 minute video as a snapshot. If you like what you see and can appreciate the effort we go to, it would be appreciated if you can like and share it. Land Rovers really are our passion. Enjoy. Thanks to, Damian, Willy, Les, Steve, Paul, Ben, Graeme, Dustin, Sandro and James for allowing us to use your vehicle and / or photos Greatly appreciated.
One of LRA’s earlier 6.2 supercharged Range Rover Classic builds back in 2014.
Here we go again. Shoe horning another LS3 - 6L90E into a Defender Puma. We have already done lots of mods to this very impressive specimen. And soon it will sound and perform to match the eye candy she is. Can’t wait to take it for a spin or 3.
Available off the shelf. Headers to suit LS converted RRC, D1, D2, Defender. $1090.00 a set.
The first of our production LS-Land Rover headers all tacked up for a final check. Will have these bad boys in stock available over the counter in about 2 weeks.
The 110 single cab project is coming along nicely as well. LS3 6.2L V8 - 6L80E auto trans Ford 9" rear diff conversion, with custom HTE axles and flanges. Upgraded front end, 3.5:1 ratio, HTE axles and drive flanges driving through Ashcroft CV joints. Strengthened LT230 Transfercase. New rear Tub and some paint work and interior tidy up. Will be a factory looking sleeper farm truck.
Our little LS -90 - TR6060 project nearly ready for the owner. Absolutely effortless to drive. With new carpets, 18" rims and tyres, leather console and some other little upgrades she is quiet and comfortable. Just waiting on the black and silver Land Rover badges to arrive, a couple of electricals to finalise, a good clean and off the the engineer for approval.