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Euan Angus Solar

Unit 1 / 2 Beverly Hills Drive, Templestowe, Australia
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Euan Angus Solar is an accredited solar installation company dedicated to providing Australians with clean sustainable energy. At Euan Angus Solar, we will go the extra mile. Our wish is to spread quality built systems with lasting results for our customers, in hopes of aiding the path to a cleaner and brighter future.

All of our systems are custom designed for each situation meaning our customers can enjoy the benefits of clean, renewable energy at a fixed cost.


Hello from Euan and Richard at Euan Angus Solar .. The AEMC Report

AEMC Report.. Read and weep.

The Juice Media

Telling it like it is. Finally, truth in government.. or how it would look. Rally today in Treasury Place against meeting by Adani in person and Malcolm 'Turnback' Turnbull was well attended, considering it was intended to fly under the radar. Meeting after Parliament has risen for Xmas break, early on a Monday morning and little information. Bastards. Watch, enjoy (it is very well done) but above all, PLEASE SHARE.

Xmas Time email.

Xmas Time email.

NASA chief slaps down climate sceptic senator Malcolm Roberts: 'A number of misconceptions'

Something wrong with FB postings today.. Could not get this to post, however many times I tried.

Hello This is a timely warning to anybody thinking of installing Solar PV and perhaps batteries, as the weather hots up and the need to control power costs becomes ever more pressing. Despite the fact that the present 'government' is so closely aligned with big business and big coal (*) that it is doing all it can to delay and derail the introduction of clean, 0% CO2 renewables, more and more people are voting with their own money to go the Solar PV route. These people are doing this for a number of reason, including of course, the need to control costs but also to try and do their best to live as lightly as possible. Many people will have noticed some extraordinarily cheap prices for systems in the various adverts on the TV and social media platforms. People who phone up about these 'seems too good to be true' systems will very likely find out that they are just that. They are a teaser, a hook and the salesperson will try very very hard to up-sell them, the punter, the mark, to a much more expensive system. That, or if they insist on the cheapest system, just remember, you really do get what you pay for. At the moment, there are large number of cheap panels flooding the market at below (plausible) production costs. I.e They are being dumped. This raises a number of issues, not the least of which are the likely longevity of the panels and the warranty that is attached to them. When looking for a system, it is the reliability of components that you need to look at first and foremost then design and installation. Euan at Euan Angus Solar can provide you with a comprehensive analysis of your needs and recommend a system size and type and components, including batteries. This is a paid engineering consultation and design and does not tie you to buying the system from us. We would like you to do so therefore the consultation fee will come off the system cost if you go ahead and ask us to help you. You can contact Euan on 0455 370 240. (*) That Mr Josh (King Coal) Frydenberg is the minister for environment and energy is, in reality, a clear two fingers to clean green renewable energy.

When the debate gets this crazy, it's important to read some factual information - as in this article:

Spring has Sprung(??)

Euan Angus Solar Occasional News Email. Sign Up to be kept in The Loop..

Solar Citizens

Global Warming at 4 Hiroshima Atomic Bombs Per Second

South Australia signalling the death of base-load generation

3 Mistakes NOT To Make. - Euan Angus Solar Pty Ltd

Want some help with choosing a solar systems? We have prepared a report you can download FREE. To get your copy, click on the picture of Euan. - problem with configuration

Shonky Operators in the Solar Industry and how to beat them. People may have seen on the news this W/E, here in Melbourne and I think across Australia, sad stories of people who have been cheated by "fly-by-night" operators, spivs and sharks, in the Solar Energy market. The story varies but a common theme is fast talking doorstep or telephone sales personages who manage to sign hapless or trusting people up for poorly sized systems that they didn't know they needed or in one case reported, were getting, at ridiculous interest rates, some of which took forever to be grid connected or failed within a short time. The problem is that there are too many sharks in the market and people who don't really care what they are doing, selling systems, that are junk to people who do not know where to turn for impartial advice. Help is at hand. Euan Angus has many years in the industry and ensures that the business that bears his name operates to a very strict ethical standard. We do not "drop boxes" and bugger off, never to be seen again. Neither do we use questionable components that can fail prematurely and with little warning, perhaps cause damage ranging from annoying to catastrophic and deadly. Euan takes pride in delivering a solid and reliable product that will suit our customers needs, as far as can be ascertained with the latest technology and software available. When buy a system from Euan Angus Solar, Euan will go through a rigorous assessment of your energy use, what it is and what it might be reduced to and a careful consideration of the orientation and layout of your house and block(s). Then, bearing in mind what it is you want to achieve from your solar system, Euan will present a detailed plan of a system that fits your needs. This planning is time consuming and there is a prepaid fee. This is deducted from the cost of the system when you buy. You are free to go elsewhere if you choose to do so, once we have delivered the plan. However, we would obviously prefer you to stay with us and allow us to provide a top quality system that you can be confident will deliver what you want .. and which we will be happy bears our name. As to cost... would you look to save a few thousand off a family car that was top of the line, with all the 5 star safety features currently available and instead buy some less safe,1 star, less reliable, cheaper 'soon-to-be' junker? Thought not. The car will last about 10 -12 years, with regular maintenance, if you keep it. The system will last at least 25 years, with regular maintenance. Still undecided? If you wish to talk to Euan himself, you can call and book a FREE 20 minute discussion.. @ Any system, big or small, home or business. We are beginning to install Battery systems. If you appreciate this information, please Like and pass on. Thanks.
