Licence to Drive
Learn to drive with with confidence with a friendly and patient instructor. Over 9 years experience in teaching safe and practical driving skills.
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Another hazardous driving situation we must be aware of!
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Performing a hook turn
Commonly misunderstood road rules
Giving way at roundabout
Commonly misunderstood road rules
Giving way at intersections
Commonly misunderstood road rules
Passing or overtaking trams
Commonly misunderstood road rules
Merging lanes safely
Commonly misunderstood road rules
TIP FOR WET WEATHER DRIVING: Wet-weather driving demands gentle use of all the main controls - steering, clutch, brake and accelerator. If your wheels start to lock up when breaking or accelerating, release the pedal and gently press on it again.
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My name is Debbie and I am a passionate driving instructor with the highest accreditation plus cert IV in Training and Assessment and many years experience in helping people like you learn the necessary skills and tricks to pass driving test first time and become confident and capable drivers for life.