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Invigorate People Management Solutions

32 Heaton Street, Rocklea, Australia
Professional Service



We're here for all your HR and Personal Development needs.  We specialize in helping you to get the most from your people. Invigorate People Management Solutions is about simple yet effective human resource systems.  The solutions we offer are designed to align with our clients organisational mission, vision and values.

In many organisations HR are seen as a department where compliance is strict and paperwork is heavy.  At Invigorate we aim to work with organisations to ensure that organisational goals are being met without the hindrance of unnecessarily strict paperwork and compliance requirements.

Our mission is to improve organisational success through simple, yet effective, people management solutions.

Our values are Education, Communication, Accountability, Integrity and Passion.

We endeavour to provide simple, yet effective, people management solutions that enable your business to get the most from your people.  We will work with your organisation to ensure that your organisational goals and objectives align with the goals  of your people.

Services offered include:

HR Health Check





Coaching; for executives, HR professionals and Individuals wanting to make a difference in their careers, but who are unsure how to do so.


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Opinion... Mindset. Popular buzzword? New craze? Or is there resounding truth behind it? What are your thoughts, feelings, opinions?

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If you want to be successful, there are a few simple yet effective things you can do that require zero talent.

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NO. Perhaps one of the most underrated words. Do you ever get caught out saying yes to something because it feels like it's the right thing to do? Even though you don't have time, energy, or see any benefit in you achieving what you need to achieve as a result of saying yes? Learn to say NO! It can be difficult, but both professionally and personally this is a great skill to learn! Forget the excuses. You don't have to justify yourself. Just say NO!

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Who even are you? Are what those closest to you think about you, and what you think about you, the same? Or is your reality of yourself entirely different to how others see you? Why is it important? Too often what we think of ourselves is not the reality of how we're perceived by others. Whether it's in your personal life, or in your professional life, it's important to have clearly defined values that you live by. What are our core values? Passion ~ above all else, we are passionate about what we do Education ~ we want to educate those we can; whether it be in HR or through our coaching and mentoring programs Accountability ~ we always do what we say we will do Integrity ~ we believe in honesty and strong morals Communication ~ we believe the key to every successful relationship is communication; and we want our relationships to be successful!

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Workplace gossip... have you ever been a part of it? Have you ever been the subject of it? Unfortunately many organizations struggle with workplace cultures strong with gossiping. Before you speak, ask yourself three questions: is it true, is it kind, is it necessary?

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Did you know that 16% of people set a New Years resolution to find a new job? Don't be stuck doing something you don't enjoy. If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree. ~ Jim Rohan

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15 Qualities of Mentally Tough People

Interesting article; the mind is such a powerful tool. Have you taken time out of your schedule to work on your mindset? To create the life you want to live, and are you living it according to your values? Do you even know what your values are? Is it time to step up and start working on yourself, your values, and setting yourself up to live the life you dream of living? #invigorate #people #emotions #coaching #mentoring #invigoratepms #values #mindset #definingwhoyouare #timeforhelp #makechangehappen

How fortunate are we that we have the ability to give feedback to employees in order to give them an opportunity to improve their performance? Preparing for a performance management session this afternoon; coaching and mentoring a manager to give her to confidence to have those difficult conversations with her employees If you've got employees and you struggle to have those hard conversations, let me know and we can work on it together! #performancemanagement #difficultconversations #Invigorate #invigoratepms #coaching #mentoring #HR101 #performancemanagement101 #solutions

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