TEC Group is a superior option that helps you prepare to study in Australia. At TEC Group, wey believe in "uncompromising quality" and "passionate customer care" in order for making our clients satisfied. We help each student make an informed decision to achieve their education and career goal in Australia by choosing the right course, the right education provider and the right location.
We are in constant contact with students in Australia and overseas. We will make our representatives available to any aspiring student in their location. Our team members are fully qualified and always ready to assist all clients at their best.
How does an educational consultant at TEC Group work?
#Brings firsthand knowledge and information of Australian schools/colleges/unis and program options and opportunities to students/parents.
#Keeps abreast of constant changes in the fields of education and the regulations.
#Coordinates with other professionals and authorities for necessary services and evaluations.
#Follows up with students and/or staff in school/college/uni and programs as per student/parent request.
#Provides students/parents with essential information about Admission/Intakes/Fees/Requirements/Scholarships and other essentials like documents required for admission.
#Folders all individual students’ documents and keeps them all confidentially.
#Enables students to do some study researches.
#Guides students in their study direction and destination.
#Strengthens students’ decision making capacity in choosing subjects if required.
#Keeps connected with students/parents.
#Works in a friendly manner and makes students feel more confident.
#Does not fabricate information nor bends the truth.
#Does not guarantee visa nor assures the same.
#Takes initiatives in students’ queries and responds promptly.
#Orients all students before they leave the country.
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facebook.comNew Requirements for Getting Australian Citizenship – Nepali Page
अष्ट्रेलियामा आप्रवासी बाबुआमाले १० वर्ष मात्र बस्न पाउने
TEC Group
Special offers and Discounts For Perfect IELTS and PTE score We Offer online classes through social media For more detail,contact us:061-531565 or visit us TEC Group, Ranipouwa maraga, Pokhara-11
TEC Group
Be early, Be quick and Be smart!!! Enroll #NOW for perfect #IELTS and #PTE score #Experienced_Instructor #Video_Classes #Ex_IELTS_examiner For more details, contact us: 014421860 Or visit us: TEC Group, New Plaza, Kathmandu
National Code Part D, Standard 7
#Changing_course_or_provider: Dear students, Whether you are coming to Australia or have already arrived on a student visa, you are required to comply with all rules and regulations. You have to, primarily, keep in mind that you can not change your course or the provider before you have completed 6 months of your principal course. What is the principal course? -The principal course is the final course you complete from the provider. The restriction applies to any prerequisite courses in a package of courses, as well as the first six months of the principal course. Please read through following links for details:
stipulations, conditions and limitations on 457 occupations
Occupations with conditions and limitations for Visa subclass 457 are:
Caveats on 457 occupations
Occupations that have conditions and limitations for Visa subclass 457 are:
TEC Group
Australian PR को लागी Points हरू - (For Students) . हुन त यस बिसयमा हामीले धेरै चोटी लेखी सकेको छौँ तर पनि धेरैजना सम्म यो कुरा नपुगेको हुनसकछ वा कतिपयले अझ बुझ्नु भाको छैन, वा पुरानो Post Miss गर्नु भयो होला। फेरि बुझनुस कसरी हुनछ Australian PR - . . Australian PR सब Points कै चककर हो। PR पाउन कम्तीमा पनि 60 Points चाहिंनछ। तर कुनैकुनै State मा Applicants/Competition बढि भएको, वा कतिपय Profession को लागी Minimum 65 देखि 70 Points चाहिन सकछ। . Points Collection बारे तल पढनुहोश - . सुरुमा AGE - . 18–24 years --------25 points 25–32 years --------30 points 33–39 years --------25 points 40–44 years ---------15 points 45–49 years ---------0 points . . . यानिकी PR को Application गर्दा तपाईको उमेर 25 देखि 32 छ भने 30 Points हुन्छ, 25 भन्दा कम र 32 भन्दा बढ़ी छ भने 25 Points मात्र हुन्छ। . सजिलोको लागी हामी एउटा नेपाली Student “ABCD" लियौँ। . ABCD ले Master of IT गरेर सककाउनु भएको छ र वहाँको उमेर 31 छ। . . अब, ABCD को उमेर 31 हुनाले उमेरबाट 30 Points पाउनुहुनछ। -------------------------------------------------- . . Qualification (Study) - . . Doctorate ————— 20 Points Bachelors/Masters ———15 Points Diploma/Trade ——— 10 Points . 2 Year Australian Study —— 5 Points . . Applicant को पढाई Bachelors वा सो भन्दा माथि छ भने 15 Points हुन्छ र Australian 2Yrs Study को थप 5 Points आउँछ। .. ABCD ले 2 Years Master of Accounting गर्नु भयेको हो, तेसैले वहाँको पढाई बाट 20 Points हुनछ। . . Points of ABCD so far - (Age + Master) (30+20) = 50 Points ---------------------------------------------------- . . English . IELTS - 6 Each ——— 0 Points IELTS - 7 Each ——— 10 Points IELTS - 8 Each ——— 20 Points . . . IELTS मा each band 7 छ भने 10 Points र each band 8 छ भने 20 हुन्छ । 8 Each छ भने Easy PR । 7 भन्दा कम छ भने कुनै Points हुनन। . . ABCD को IELTS मा Each Band 7 छ, तयसैले IELTS बाट उहाँलाई 10 Points आउँछ। . Points of ABCD so far- (Age + Study + IELTS) (30+20+10) = 60 Points ------------------------------------------------ . Professional Year - 5 Points . . IT, Accounting र Engineering को लागी 10 months को Professional Year Course हुनछ। यसको $4500-$12000 पर्छ। . ABCD Sydney मा बसने र Sydney बाट Accounting PR मा Apply गर्दा 60 Points ले PR हुनदैन भन्ने थाहा थियो तयसैले Professional Year पनि गरि सक्नु भयेको छ। . . Points of ABCD so far - (Age + Master + IELTS + PY) (30+20+10 + 5) = 65 Points . -------------------------------------------------- Skilled Employment - . In Australia - At least 1 year ——— 5 Points In Australia - At least 3 years ——— 10 Points In Australia - At least 5 years ——— 15 Points In Australia - At least 8 years ——— 20 Points . Outside Australia - At least 3 years —— 5 Points Outside Australia - At least 5 years —— 10 Points Outside Australia - At least 8 years —— 15 Points . . ABCD ले आहिले सम्म Accounting मा काम पाईसक्नु भएको छैन तयसैले Employment बाट वहाँलाई No Points । . . कतिपयले आफनै Field मा काम गरीरहेका हुनछन, यसतोमा राम्रो, तर कतिपयले IELTS मा Score गर्न सक्दैनन, वा Age गईसकेको हुनसकछ। त्यसैले वहाँहरुलाई Points पुग्दैन। . ------------------------------------------ . . NAATI/Translation - 5 Points . . NAATI भनेको नेपाली बाट English र English बाट नेपालीमा Translate गर्ने Course हो। यसको पनि करीब ३-६ महिनाको पढ़ाई हुन्छ। को करीब पर्छ। Course गर्नेहरुले सजिलै पास गर्छन। . Accounting मा 70 Points चाहिने हुनाले ABCD ले Professional Course सँगसँगै NAATI पनि गर्नु भयको थियो, त्यसैले वहाँको PR हुने पक्का। . . Total Points of ABCD- (Age + Master + IELTS + PY + NAATI) (30+20+10 + 5 + 5) = 70 Points . ----------------------------------------- यसको साथसाथै Regional Area मा पढ्नु भएको हो भने Points आउँछ। यानिकी ABCD ले आफ्नो Course, Adelaide मा गर्नु भयको हुन्थियो भने वहाँलाई 5 Extra Points आउंथियो। Copied
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