The Herb Society of Victoria aims to educate people to grow and use herbs. HSoV is on holiday till Thurs Feb 2, 6pm for a Picnic near Burnley Herb Garden. The Herb Society of Victoria is a not for profit organisation it aims to educate and inform its members and the public about all aspects of herbs;
- Cultivation and Propagation
- Culinary, Medicinal and Craft usage
-The Early History of Herbs and the Latest Research
The Herb Society of Victoria formed in 1980 by an enthusiastic group of herb lovers and now has members throughout Australia.
We meet at 7.30 pm the first Thursday each month at the Burnley Horticultural Campus Room MB10 in the main Building 500 Yarra Boulevard Richmond
Melway Map 45 A12
Parking inside or on the Boulevard
Enter via Double Gates.Turn left to the Main Building (cream brick). Enter via the steel ramp door..
Alternative Entry: Motor along Riversdale Rd. to City
Just after the Bridge, Riversdale Rd. becomes Swan St.
Turn left into Burnley Campus. At the second turn go left
Park near the Library. Walk right towards the Main Building.
We have two branches:
Hills Branch meets the third Wednesday of the month at 7.45pm at the Belgrave Library Reynolds Lane Belgrave.
The Salvia Study Group meets regularly and tends the Salvia Collection at Nobelius Garden Emerald Victoria see link salvia
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The Herb Society of America
Shakespeare's Herbs and Flowers
Grow Unusual Root Herbs and Vegetables by Chris Williams
Mercy For Animals
Untitled Album
Gardening Australia
Sustainable Gardening Australia
Geelong Herb Society
The Diggers Club
Organic Gardener Magazine
Ten Aboriginal medicine plants