The Werribee Chinese School Inc
The Werribee Chinese School Inc is registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission ABN 87 878 154 874. a) To develop educational Chinese Languages and Cultural development among the Chinese residents, thereby contributing to the multicultural richness of Werribee and also other suburbs of Australia.
b) To create opportunities for the development of Chinese cultural activities.
c) To promote culture, maintain traditional culture and let the general public be aware of the existence of the Werribee Chinese School Incorporation.
d) The incorporation is run by voluntary staff and is non-political and non-profit making. However, the committee reserves the right to employ or paid teachers.
Our school does not force students to learn, we are encouraging students do their best as they can; we believe each student is individual, everyone has their personal goal and family expect. We are following The Victorian Curriculum and Standards Framework II; Community Languages Schools Quality Assurance Framework to manage our school. Homeroom Teacher will select the appropriate contents to teaching. All Text books supply by Chinese Embassy.
我们学校的教材由中国领事馆提供,学前班是汉语拼音和幼儿汉语, 其他各班级是暨南大学出版社出版的(中文)。教学进度是根据维省教育大纲的要求,老师根据大纲的要求,对课本进行选择性的教学。 对于中文背景的学生,我们希望在家长的配合下,根据孩子的能力和家庭的要求,在完成了老师部置的功课后,能多做一些额外的练习。我们是根据Community Languages Schools Quality Assurance Framework去管理我们的学校。我们注重培养学生的自学能力,在轻松的环境下完成学习任务。
• We are maximum 25 students in each of our classes, quality assured policy; 每班最多25 人。
• Teachers with years of Domestic and/or Overseas school's experience in each of the classes.
• 由经验,敬业,符合资格的老师任教。
• Only our school students are entitled to receive the government fund of $ 190 to support their child (ren)'s study in Wyndham area. 维省教育局认可的非牟利周末中文学校。政府资助符合资格学生学习,每位学费减免$190.
• Obey the Regulations and Humility - Only our school gets approval for accreditation in old and new campus; not only benefit student’s funding, also all Teachers entitled to have professional trainings by government each year. See attachment.勇于改进,奉公守法, 不浮夸。具有二十余年的历史。
• We are a small, quality assured , reliable school and Non for profit ! 小班教育,确保质量。
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