If Newcastle were to have a Tsunami, what would we do?
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A Tsunami which is a chain of waves caused by an earthquake, underwater volcanic eruption, landslide or other sudden disturbance. Tsunamis are capable of creating massive devastation when they hit land and the pictures below show what the devastation can look like.
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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) deployed the final 2 #ttsunami #detection #buoys in the South Pacific in 2008, completing the buoy network and bolstering the U.S. tsunami warning system. This vast network of 39 stations provides coastal communities in the #Pacific, #Atlantic, #Caribbean and the #GulfofMexico with faster and more accurate tsunami warnings.
Hunter Region :: SES TsunamiSafe
NSW SES #Tsunami #Evacuation Areas NSW SES tsunami safety advice states we should head for higher ground, at least 10metres above sea level, or if possible move at least 1km away from all beaches and the water's edge of harbours and coastal estuaries. The evacuation areas depicted in this mapping platform extend 10km up estuaries. They do not depict inundation areas.
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#Tsunami Causes- (Geoscience Australia)
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How a #Tsunami forms ...
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#Tsunami- The Wave Watchdog
First Aid: How to Prepare in Case of a Tsunami (Red Cross/Red Crescent)
How to Prepare for a #Tsunami:
PREPARING FOR A #TSUNAMI 1. Know your local community's evacuation paths. Generally the best place to be during a Tsunami is higher ground. 2. Make an emergency kit for your home and vehicle. In your emergency kit include things like Water, Food (Canned or packaged food), Spare clothes, Torch, Map... 3. Have some type of family communication plan. If all members of your family are in different areas when the Tsunami is set to strike have a way to keep in contact. ie; Walkie Talkies. 4. Learn some survival skills in the time you have left. If you are very well aware of what do when a 2.3m wave and a Ford Ranger are coming at you, you can stay mostly calm and, most importantly, survive. And taking selfies with the Tsunami isn't quite a safe thing to do either. 5. Make sure to have insurance. If you loose your house, car etc... in the Tsunami make sure to have insurance because having it can relive some financial stress. 6. Recognise the signs of a Tsunami occurring. Tsunamis often occur after an Earthquake. Look at the waves. Usually Tsunami waves start far out but there is usually more the one wave. Nearby boats are likely to bob up and down. 7. If you are confident something is going to happen, warn people like close family and friends. 8. Take into mind that if you are caught in the Tsunami, don't fight the current. You might just drown. A bunch of deadly debris might be floating by, such as cars, trees, or rocks. Try to grab onto the debris or something solid in the ground and hold on really tight.
Newcastle Tsunami Preparation
Newcastle Tsunami Preparation's cover photo