Made by A Tasmanian for Tasmanian People An Index for Locals to Purchase Everything Locally made Produce, Handcrafts, Products, Business Services, Events
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Custom made fairy minatures for a fairy house yeah thats Tassiemade;)
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Cost effective custom made side gate Tassiemade ofcourse
Photos from Tassiemade's post
Custom Pimped out Ride On - That's a classification of Tassiemade
Photos from Tassiemade's post
Custom made Tree Cozzie - yeah that registers as Tassiemade
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My version of Skull Candy locked up in a custom cage thats Tassiemade;)
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A custom made witches hat designed as a bird bath. Thats Tassiemade;)
TASSIEMADE = luv's custom made stuff and this one rates highly why not use the items no longer required or sitting around not being used and make an iconic statue out of it hubs stubs cogs and all not to mention a holden hubcap partial head ;) Love This Place
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A 50 dollar special trolley customised with Go Cart wheels strengthened sub frame and strengthened base support thats Tassiemade #customtrolley
garden basics
Nows the time to be rearranging the garden are you changing things around ready for spring and autumns crops
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Another custom Tassiemade item how easy is this: 2 pallets 1 drip line inc fittings Some spare paint An imaginative few designs And you got yourself a custom made pallet planter ideal for the kids and easy to maintain