Derwent Valley Online Access Centre Inc
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facebook.comAnyone interested in becoming a Committee person for the Derwent Valley Online Access Centre, please call in and get a nomination from prior to our AGM on Monday 24th at 6.30 pm. New faces are more than welcome.
The Derwent Valley Online Access Centre will be holding their AGM on Monday July 24th at 6.30pm in the Library Building, Charles Street, New Norfolk. All positions will be vacant, nomination forms are available from the centre.
If you do not already have a MyGov account, now is the time to get one set up. Please check out this flyer and come along on July 20th.
It is almost that time of the year again where we start working on the new edition of the Derwent Valley Business and Services Directory. If you know of anyone wishing to advertise, please ask them to call into the Derwent Valley Online Access Centre and ask about our rates, or give us a call on 6261 1155.
As it is Volunteers Week 2017, I would like to thank our wonderful current volunteers, you have all done an amazing job and hope our lunches this week are enjoyed by you all.
🔴WANTED🔴 Jars and Tomatoes to make more fundraising relish 💕
The Derwent Valley Online Access Centre now has security cameras installed. This is no so we can pry but to protect everyone within our Centre so please be aware of this, we have the stickers up advertise that they are installed.
Michael and myself wish to apologise for any errors in this years Business and Services Directory, if you have a genuine error in advertisement, please contact us.
I still can't believe that some businesses feel they don't need to pay for their afdvertising even after saying they were making payment, so now to Name and Shame them. 20th Century Artifacts (nothing to do with Oh Lay Lay or the Emporium) Everybody's Health Rapid Spruce Up These business's have been given plenty of time to pay. My advice to these people, do not come into our Centre and expect free access as you will not get it until these invoices are paid in full.
Signs are up to say who hasn't paid for their advertising int he 2017 Business and Services Directory. To those who are clients, you will not be give computer access until invoices are paid, it is not fair to paying advertisers if you get free ads and not fair to us for you to get free usage. I have to right to refuse access so I will use my rights as the Coordinator. .
The following are courses we will be running early 2017: Computing Foundations Basic Computing Email Facebook, Ebay Microsoft Office - Word, Excel Mobile & Tablet Please call in and see us to make a booking or call us on 6261 1155
To the handful of businesses that feel that they are entitled to free advertising at the cost of others, especially after 2 telling me last week that payment would be made straight away. Expect letters from Tas Collection and advertising will not be accepted in future. You will be named and shamed as this is unacceptable. You wouldn't let me book up lunch, a ride, a cleaning job or let me take items from your shop without paying but you expect us to advertise for free. OUR NEW NORFOLK will not accept my posts of late that relate to this ongoing issue. Anyone wanting to know who these business's are, just pop into the Online Centre when we reopen on Jan 3rd, the names will be on show for all to see.