Personal Trainer at Fitnes First Mona Vale.
Specialising in Fat loss & Body Transformations.
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facebook.comPull-ups! 💪 Are you adding pull ups to your training program!? Well you should be! Here we have my client Lauren Renee demonstrating a wide grip pull-up on the assisted pull-up machine. A great stepping stone to work towards a full bodyweight pull-up! If your gym doesn't have this machine you can do this exercise with a resistance band anchored on the bar to help you up. Make sure you continue to drop the resistance every week to eventually hit that first body weight pull up in no time! Focus on retracting your shoulder blades at the beginning of the movement and pulling through your back, imagine you are trying to pull your chest directly to the roof!
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My 5 Tips To Losing Body Fat! - 1️⃣ Diet - The first and most important rule in trying to lose body Fat. if your diet doesn't change you won't. You can definitely achieve the body you desire while still eating the foods you enjoy just make sure you are hitting your calorie and macro nutrient targets you have set out for Fat loss. - 2️⃣ Hydration - Make sure you kepp hydrated! Especially when in a calorie deficit and putting your body under stressful training. - 3️⃣ Sleep & Rest - Often overlooked but extremely important. Make sure you are getting adequate sleep every night to let your body get the rest and recovery it requires. - 4️⃣ Exercise Program - Make sure you are sticking to a proper exercise program that includes both weight and cardiovascular training for the best possible results. - 5️⃣ Consistency - Stay as consistent as possible with the last 4 rules, everyone slips and that's okay. Nobody is perfect but as long you stay consistent you will reach your goals! - If you need any help at all regarding programming, dieting or just want to learn more, Contact me today!
Upright Rows 👊 - This is by far one of my all time favourite exercises for developing my Shoulders, Traps and Upper Back. - Start with a barbell and your hands placed just outside Shoulder width row the bar to the centre of your chest, pulling the weight up through your elbows for the best possible shoulder contraction. - If you are someone who experiences shoulder discomfort or lack shoulder mobility but still want to give this a crack, try using light Dumbbells to start with allowing your body to work in a more free range of motion.
Try this killer AMRAP to finish off your session! Today's finisher with Craig Leggett and Alannah Leggett 6 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) ➡️Craig started with 2 - laps on the sled & 2 laps of walking lunges for 3 minutes. ➡️Allanah started with 150m row followed by 10 medicine ball slams for three minutes. ➡️Swapping exercises after the three minute mark for a total of 6 minutes of AMRAP hell. Get the most out of your workouts! 📧
Triceps! 💪 This is currently one of my favourite arm exercises. I find using the handles instead of the bar for this exercise helps me contract my triceps a lot more and in ultimately activating and recruiting more muscle fibres to promote further growth and definition. If you want to try this exercise, Keep the weight light focus on squeezing the hell out of your tricep at the bottom of the movement and keep the reps high between 15-20! #bodybuilding #bodybuildingmotivation #fitness #fitspo #sydney #fitnessfirst #fitnessmotivation #gym #personaltrainer #shoulders #back #wbff #ifbb #fitlife #iifym #fitspiration #exercise #training #fitnessfirstmonavale #fitnessfiirstmag #gymspo #trainhard #lachlanberryfitness #garyvee #HIIT #metcon #fatloss #diet #physique #fitnessjourney #armday #fitspo #gymlife
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Keeping cardio fun! 🚴 If your like me and are trying to drop some body fat chances are unless you have a super fast metabolism or want to cut your calories even more you will most likely need to add some form of cardiovascular exercise to your current program at some point in time. Instead of jumping on the treadmill try giving a quick HIIT session a go! Here I did 12 minutes of 30 seconds on 30 seconds off battle rope slams. Quick, fun, sweaty and got the heart rate up!
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170kg X 1 at 70kg bodyweight 💪 Huge effort from this absolute legend today. Has been a pleasure helping him prep for the Australian Army's Basic Training at Kapooka and now smashing another huge goal during our last session together before he heads off to Canberra. All the best brother, keep killing it!
Don't forget the rear Delts! 💪 Often when training shoulders the main focus is on the anterior and medial heads of the shoulder (front and side) It's extremely important to properly train your rear delts, not only from an aesthetic point of view but also ensures healthy shoulder stability, promotes good posture and shoulder functionality. Here you can see I am using the cable machine to do reverse cable fly's. currently my favourite exercise targeting my rear Deltoids, make sure the cables are just above shoulder height grab the ends of the cable and using a light weight pull your hands apart stretching your hands as far apart as possible while focusing on contracting your shoulder blades and squeezing your upper back. I do 4 sets of 12-15 reps! 💪 #bodybuilding #bodybuildingmotivation #fitness #fitspo #sydney #fitnessfirst #fitnessmotivation #gym #personaltrainer #shoulders #back #wbff #ifbb #fitlife #iifym #fitspiration #exercise #training #fitnessfirstmonavale #fitnessfirstmag #gymspo #trainhard #lachlanberryfitness #garyvee
Lachlan Berry Fitness
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Try this at the end of your next session! 🔹2 Laps on the sled as fast as you can 🔹Followed by 2 laps of walking lunges 🔹Repeat as many rounds as you can in 7 minutes and watch the fat melt off. Just ask Lauren! 💪
Gary Vaynerchuk
Gary V sharing some truth that I am sure everyone can take something from. Take action, find the time to do the things that are going to make you happy and start working towards living the life you deserve!
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Think most of my clients will be able to relate to this one! 😄