A non-profit service offering free advice & guidance on accessing government funded disability and aged care services. We help you navigate the system! For more than 21 years, CCNB has supported thousands of people of all ages and abilities to live independent and fulfilling lives in their community.
Operating across the Northern Sydney area, we provide individuals and families with services that support disability, mental health, dementia and aged care.
Our clients say they choose CCNB because:
We get to know our clients, their strengths, interests and life story.
We adopt a holistic person-centred approach. We appreciate the uniqueness and complexity of our clients’ lives.
We focus on optimising independence and social connectedness, and building their capacity and confidence to live as self-sufficiently as possible in their own home and community,
We work in partnership with a person and their friends, family and community, as well as professionals and other agencies, to meet their hopes and dreams
We have deep knowledge of local services and networks within the Northern Sydney region, which enables us to develop individually tailored solutions for each client.
At CCNB we know our local community intricately, and we pride ourselves on helping our clients make the right connections to the right people and right services.
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Do you know someone who has been bereaved after a suicide? Lifeline Northern Beaches hold an open support group on the third Tuesday evening of every month for those who have been bereaved by the suicide of a family member, a friend or colleague. Facilitated by a qualified and experienced counsellor, the group offers a confidential, trusting environment for those who have lived through similar experiences. Please contact the team on (02) 9949 5522 to register your interest
Humans of New York
A great reminder to ask those we love how they are really doing.
Hot weather risks and staying cool | healthdirect
Check on older parents, friends and neighbours during hot weather, as they have a high risk of being affected with heat stroke. Symptoms of heat stroke include: a sudden rise in body temperature, red, hot dry skin (because sweating has stopped – though they may still be sweaty if they have been exercising), dry swollen tongue, rapid pulse, rapid shallow breathing, intense thirst, headache, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, confusion, poor coordination or slurred speech, aggressive or bizarre behaviour, loss of consciousness, seizures or coma. If you see any of these symptoms, call 000 immediately and ask for an ambulance. While you are waiting for help, move the person to a cool shaded area and keep them as still as possible. Remove excess clothing and give them small sips of water if they are conscious and able to drink. Bring their temperature down any way you can, for example by gently spraying them with cool water from a spray bottle or garden hose, soaking their clothes with cool water, or sponging their body with cool water. Place cool packs under their armpits, on the groin or on the back of their neck to reduce body heat. Do not give aspirin or paracetamol because they won’t help and may be harmful.
February Dementia Cafe
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This Friday 13th of January may be unlucky for some, but it could be yours or your loved ones' chance to try an exciting new sport! Disability Sports Australia are hosting a 'come and try' day for Wheelchair Tennis at the Sydney Olympic Park Tennis Centre. For more information, email
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Ten keys for happier living in 2017 from Action for Happiness
Free Heartfulness Meditation and Relaxation at Warriewood | Northern Beaches Event
Meditating regularly is proven to improve quality of life, provide stress relief, improve quality of sleep, stimulate the immune system and provide and increase in concentration. Why not start 2017 by gifting yourself these incredible benefits? Heartfulness Meditation Australia will be holding a free guided meditation session from 09:30-10:30 tomorrow at 1 Vuko Place Unit 5, Warriewood. No booking is required. Just walk in.
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First week of the year complete! Well done all!
Carers falling through the cracks under NDIS
Are you a carer that's struggling to navigate the NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme? Our friendly experienced team are on hand to offer free advice to you and your loved ones. Call us on 1300 002 262. We're here to help.
Are you prepared for changes to the Age Pension assets test?
News of changes to the Age Pension assets test has been confusing for many of our Aged Care clients this week. AMP Australia have written a really user friendly guide to help you guide your loved one through the changes.
Goal Setting | mindhealthconnect
We bet you've set yourself some New Year's Resolutions, but have you got a plan on how you are going to achieve them? A goal without a plan is just a wish! mindhealthconnect have some great advice on goal setting to help you achieve your New Year goals!
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Thought for the Day. Happy 2017!