Altona Kebab House
Providing our customers with fresh and authentic Turkish food everyday.
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facebook.comH❤️S❤️P!! Come and choose your kinda H❤️S❤️P❤️!! Only @altonakebabhouse
Queens Birthday 👑 Dear Customers, AKH is open today till 8pm! Altona Kebab House 😊
Mix HSP with the HOLY TRINITY @ Altona Kebab House Put in your order now! PH: 9391 8181
Come in and grab a mega HSP!
ANZAC DAY Dear Customers, AKH will be open tomorrow for Anzac Day! We are currently taking catering orders. To place an order please call 9391 8181 Thank you. - Altona Kebab House 😄
Altona Kebab House Now Open!
Dear AKH Customers, We will be closed Friday 14th and Saturday 15th April, we hope you all have a wonderful Easter 😊
HSP kinda day at Altona Kebab House 👍
Fresh Home Made Tulumba! Only at Altona Kebab House!! 👌👌👌
Ready for another busy day @Altona Kebab House Happy Friday Everyone!! ❤️❤️❤️
Just another normal busy day @Altona Kebab House 😋👍😍