I'm an Independent Cambridge Weight Plan Consultant for the Eastern Suburbs, Sydney. Voted "Winner of the Best Weight Management Program 2015" in Australia
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facebook.comKindness is everything 💕 I have been especially touched these past few weeks from all of the kind messages and gifts thanking me for help and support, from clients who have recently reached their goal, or from clients still on their journeys. Seeing how healthy, happy and confident my clients become is reward enough. However, its always very touching to receive heartfelt messages saying how much lives have changed since finally managing to lose the weight they have struggled for decades with! Thank you for your thank you's they mean the world to me and usually always make me cry! 😍💕😘🌸 .
Many congratulations to my gorgeous client Melissa on losing 6.6 kgs in only 3 weeks! Melissa is following Step 2, and said that she is finding the plan easy to follow. Well done Melissa you are doing brilliantly! 🙌💕 . ✨To find out more about our delicious nutrient dense meal replacements and 'Award Winning' Weight Loss Plan please see our website at You can search for your local consultant on the website or call 1300 365 891. If you live in the Eastern Suburbs, Sydney please contact me 0403 923089 💁🏼 ✨Cambridge Weight Plan was voted ‘Best Weight Management Program of the Year’ at the Global Weight Management Congress ✨Cambridge Weight Plan has been in Australia for over 5 years, and in the UK for over 33 years. It is in over 42 countries and has helped millions of people to lose weight and learn new eating habits forever! . Facebook: Cambridge Weight Plan Holly Sarah Insta: @cambridgeweightplanhollysarah Mobile: 0403 923089 Website: . .
If Cambridge Weight Plan has ever helped you in anyway, we would now really appreciate your help in voting for Paul Nugent the amazing man from Queensland who is Australia's entry for 'International Slimmer of the Year'. It's very quick and simple. Just click on the link and press 'vote'. We would be very grateful for your support. 💕 Paul lost 72 kg's and reversed all his medical conditions. He credits Cambridge and his amazing consultant, Tamara to saving his life! You can watch his very moving video here... Thank you 😘
Love this 💕 As I always say, lets just focus on one thing at a time 🌸#cambridge Facebook: Cambridge Weight Plan Holly Sarah Insta: @cambridgeweightplanhollysarah Mobile: 0403 923089 Website:
My gorgeous client Rachael hit her 30 kg/ 4.7 st weight loss goal in July and has been maintaining since then. Gorgeous before but even more gorgeous and happy now 💕 ✨To find out more about our delicious nutrient dense meal replacements and 'Award Winning' fast Weight Loss Plan please see our website at You can search for your local consultant on the website or call 1300 365 891. If you live in the Eastern Suburbs, Sydney please contact me 0403 923089 💁🏼 ✨Cambridge Weight Plan was voted 'Best Weight Management Program' by the People's Choice Awards ✨Cambridge Weight Plan has been in Australia for over 5 years, and in the UK for over 33 years. It is in over 42 countries and has helped millions of people to lose weight and learn new eating habits forever! . Facebook: Cambridge Weight Plan Holly Sarah Insta: @cambridgeweightplanhollysarah Message Holly on: 0403 923089 Website:
While on Cambridge these are definitely your goals too! Well, until you have regained control of food, and food has stopped controlling you! However, remember this is only a temporary state and not forever 🌸 #foodaddict #takingcontrol #breakinghabits #selflove #projectyou #happinessproject
Many congratulations to my gorgeous client Emma on receiving her 5 kg's/11 lbs rosette already! She has lost an amazing 5.3 kg's in just over 2 weeks, and on her scales it's a mind blowing 7.3 kg's/1 st 2 lbs!!!! 😵 Emma is doing Step 1b (4 meal replacements) and has stuck to plan 100%! These results not only go to show what can be achieved when you are serious about losing weight, but also the importance of your home weigh-in's once a week! Even though on my scales 5.3 kg's was a fabulous result (especially as it was the afternoon of a hot day after litres's of water), Emma's home result was even more amazing at 7.3 kg's. A 2 kg difference could be the difference between success and failure on the motivation front! Well done Emma I'm so proud of you, and know that your 10 kg rosette isn't far off 🙌😘 If you are serious about losing weight and would like to follow a scientifically proven plan please contact me: Mobile: 0403 923089. Cambridge Weight Plan Holly Sarah Insta: @cambridgeweightplanhollysarah Website:
Wicked treat!
Sleep is a crucial factor in weight loss and maintenance: Getting adequate sleep - seven to nine hours per night - contributes to a healthier body weight. When you sleep, hunger hormones are better controlled, and you're less likely to reach for high-calorie drinks and snacks. When you're well rested, it's easier to stay in control, and feel like moving more. As well as more sleep, reducing stress also helps you to lose weight as well. Yoga, meditation and other self-care practices help calm your system so you don't stress eat, which undermines calorie goals. Focus your energy on getting a good quality sleep, sticking to plan/healthy eating and exercise when your goal is eliminating excess body fat. Below are some great tips on getting the very best sleep: #Repost @littlebayorganics (@get_repost) ・・・ Do you want more energy and deeper sleep? There is no magic pill, oil or supplement for sale here just a few little free and tips that can literally change your life! 😴 The last hour before bed sets up the next day so keep that in mind while you're scrolling through Instagram whilst eating a tub of vegan coconut ice cream. These are my top tips for a great nights sleep... 1. Phone on aeroplane mode, laptops closed, wi fi and television off... No excuses! The blue light from your electronic devises shuts down melatonin production (sleep hormone) which is essential for deep sleep. 2. Wear blue blocking glasses after sunset. Blue blocker glasses will shield your eyes from blue light and prevent stimulation causing sleep issues. 3. Light out, salt lamps and candles on. Lights also prevent melatonin production by up to 80% where as candles and pink salt lamps by only 2% They also create a feeling of calmness. Make the switch! 4. No eating and limit drinking to only water if need be. Sleep is a time for rest, detox and rejuvenation and by eating to close to bed our digestion doesn't get adequate rest and will continue to draw energy from the body preventing total rest. 5. Routine. Train your brain to do the same thing every night so your body will know that it's coming up to bed time. E.g. Phone off, shower, stretch, cup of herbal tea, meditation. This works surprisingly very well and has been a massive help for me. 6. Designate areas for eating, sleeping, reading, entertainment. If you eat, sleep and work in bed you're confusing your brain on what to do in that space. Keep the kitchen for eating, the bedroom for sleeping and sex and set up a little office area as a work only space. 7. Sleep naked. Clothes can be irritating and uncomfortable during the night, sleep naked and move freely. It's also a better option for sun rise lovin 😏 8. Air circulation. Keep a door or window open even if it's a little bit to promote air circulation and reduce stuffiness for a better night sleep. 9. Aim to be asleep before 10pm. We are in our deepest phase of sleep between 10pm-2pm and thats when the magic happens.
Exciting times! Cambridge Weight Plan Cyprus has it's own show! 🎉