Mobile Roadworthys Mechanical and Mod plates
Mobile Roadworthys for Light Vehicles and Trailers.
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facebook.comRoadworthy Tip No2 Seat Belts, The following is what I look for, if your seatbelt has any of the following issues it will fail, so replace it with a new one or ask me to help you fit a new one before your RWC inspection. Toungue and Buckle Assembly The buckle and tongue assembly should securely latch together with no freeplay. The tongue should eject actively when released. There should be no visible cracks on the buckle and the buckle cover must be intact. The tongue should have no metal deformation, webbing marks, or visible cracks on metal or plastic sections. Webbing The webbing should be securely attached to its end fittings displaying no stretching or pulled stitching. The webbing should be flat throughout its entire length. Look for plastic burn marks, frayed stitching and any signs of rippling. Look for severe fading as exposure to sunlight could possibly reduce the strength, this could be apparent as visible degradation of the webbing fabric. Retractor Pull the belt out as far as it will go then release it. The belt should return all the way to the retractor without sticking, gripping or stalling. The retractor should lock if the webbing is pulled out suddenly. Anchorage Ensure all anchorages are free from corrosion and securely fastened to the vehicle structure. All mounting points should not show any signs of deformation. Look for these common types of damage: Fraying and fluffing Holes Cuts or Nicks Chaffing / Stretch Damaged Buckles Weak Connections
Mobile Roadworthys Mechanical and Mod plates
Just a quick tip for passing a Roadworthy Check your lights. There is nothing worse than failing a roadworthy for a blown bulb, if you check them the day before and find one blown, it is easy to go to a parts store and ask for a replacement bulb and fit it. If you can't fit just ask and I can do it for you.
Hope everyone has had a merry Christmas and has a fantastic new year.
I will be at the Markets in Kingaroy this Saturday Morning. Come on down and have a chat and grab a business card. If your ready I will also be taking bookings. Roadworthys for Light Vehicles up to 4.5t Trailers up to 3.5t Motorbikes Modification Plates for just about everything, ask me about your individual needs. Mechanical work. Repairs Servicing Ring Now for a booking Richard 41635228
Mobile Roadworthys Mechanical and Mod plates's cover photo
I am heading to Durong for Roadworthy's on Friday the 9th of December, if you live out that way and need a Roadworthy on your Trailer up to 3.5t, motorbike, or Car up to 4.5t, give me a call now to book in and save on travel costs.
Timeline Photos
Fence sign in place
Ok the number 2 surprise can now be announced................... I can now do Motorbike Roadworthy's So Book in now
Mobile Roadworthys Mechanical and Mod plates's cover photo
Timeline Photos
Here is the new fence sign for my place. Bad photo of it lol.