Beta Balance
Beta Balance is a coaching service that uses a gene specific program to assist you in becoming the greatest and holistically healthiest version of you! Have you ever struggled in certain areas of your life that no matter how hard you try you never seem to be able to get a handle on it?
Perhaps you are fighting against your natural biological state that is designed to create happiness, health and wealth for you.
Beta Balance uses Ph360, a program that assesses your genes and provides a platform to help you grow and become a more effective version of yourself. It includes nutrition, exercise and lifestyle recommendations that are designed to assist you in living the most holistically healthy life and is tailored specifically for you and your natural state of wellness.
As a PH360 coach my role is to assist you with navigating your personalised program and guide you through implementing actions to support you in achieving your best health. I am an ongoing point of call for you throughout your Ph360 journey to keep you on track and help you get the results that matter most to you!
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Sow the seeds of what you are wanting to achieve. Nurture them and in time they will grow :)
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Don't be ashamed for needing to do things to restore your own needs and nurturing. You cannot function at your best for yourself and others without it. Don't let other's tell you otherwise 😊
A little reminder to everyone :) Happy Hump Day!
Ph360 and Shae have the answer! Everybody's body is different and it can be difficult to work out what is the right thing for yours. Contact us for more information if you are TIRED of the GUESSING GAME and want to feel AMAZING in your own skin TODAY!
So many diets work some some people and not others, your genes are the key to finding out!
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A lil nutrition joke to get your Wednesday started guys!
MJB Seminars
Awesome ideas!
Great advice :)
Love this!