Tarot reader for all areas of life. Crystal gemstones with meanings, uses and information. For more information visit We offer spiritual reading for those who need a little guidance with a little more detail to whatever question you are asking. As a business we provide you with all the information that you need to know about crystals, their uses and meanings as well as choosing, cleansing and charging them. How they can help with areas of your life or which ones help you with good luck. Most of all we offer any information to help you learn and grow spiritually.
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Hi all 😊. Today's card is about taking time to see it clearly. Judgement is an easy way to hide your own imperfections. We all see the world with different eyes, we all see the world from different points of views, and we all love it in different ways. Have a clear vision for yourself, dont let others judgements stop you from getting to your goal, and dont worry that you are who you are. Create the world you want, let the happiness of it fuel your desires, and apperciate all the hard work you do for yourself, it is a big deal. Have fun, be excited and live life your way. 💖 💖 💖 Daily Card : 3 Little Pigs
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Hi all 😊. Today's card is about letting your imagination show you where to go. Let yourself enjoy your desires, let your imagination guide you to it, and allow your fantasies become a reality. Your imagination gives you freedom with no doubts or hesitation. If you had no worries or fear, what would you do, how would you live and what would you experience?. Once you have seen what you want, then hold onto that excitement of having, keep up that great feeling everyday. Then watch how it all comes to you more easily than you have ever imagine. When you unblock and let worry and fear go, it takes away the obstacles that held it back from you, and sudden it all just flows like a river to your door. So enjoy your day, imagine all you desire as yours and feel the excitement of it happening before your eyes. 💖💖💖 Daily Card : Peter Pan
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Hi all 😊. Sorry about the absence for the last 2 weeks, i havent had time to breathe or slow down until now. Today's card is about the harmony of yourself. 3 is a symbol of the heart, mind and spirit, or harmony, peace and balance, which ever one you feel stronger to. Work on the these three things together as a whole, to bring your world to its greatest appreciation and you will create a life, of unlimited happiness. Channel your fears and use them to strengthen yourself, to help you move on and to push you to the new found freedom your after. Balance brings you freedom, freedom brings you wisdom, and wisdom brings you understanding of harmomy. Have fun, enjoy your mistakes and laugh it off with new wisdom learnt. 💖 💖 💖 Daily Card : Three of Swords
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Hi all 😊. Today's card is bringing with it some good fortune. This card shows us to create is to believe, and to believe is to be rewarded, and to be rewarded is to create more. Your vision is now becoming a reality, pieces are falling into place, and even if it isnt exactly what you thought would happen, just know it is coming together in the best way for you. So start noticing the little pieces falling, catch them and be grateful and before you know you will be living your vision. Have fun, enjoy another day and know it will come true. 💖💖💖 Daily Card : Alice in Wonderland
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Hi all 😊. Today's card is about letting your artistic self flare into your world. Let your creative juices flow, listen to your heart more and let yourself become a work of art in itself. You are a magically muse, you have the ability to become greatness and you can choose to want this for yourself. Let the music of your heart guide your joy, let your mind enjoy the beautiful things that come your way, and watch the magic that is you. So go out and see what your day brings you, take yourself on a journey and be grateful for all you create. 💖💖💖 Daily Card : Three of Wands
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Hi all 😊. Happy Valentine's day people 🌹💖😜. So i hope you all got something sweet today. Today's card is about awakening your burning passion. You will start to feel sparks fly inside you, emotions heighten with excitement, and see all your desires becoming a reality. Feeling passion is a great thing, it shows that you are following, doing and being what makes you happy. Let the excitement fill your soul, watch your world change, and let yourself enjoy every minute of it. 💖💖💖 Daily Card : Burgundy 10 Card Meaning : Awaken your passion.
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Hi all 😊. Today's card is about SLEEP. Here is where your body regenerates, where you more open to your messages, where your dreams speak to you. Sleep is needed in order to keep pushing through your process of change. Enjoy your sleep, and the peace it brings. Sleep does more for your body, mind and soul than you will ever know. So take thoes naps, write down your dreams, and enjoy the fresh feeling when you wake. 💖 💖 💖 Daily Card : Sleeping Beauty
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Hi all 😊. Today's card is about letting yourself blossom and bloom. Things are starting to change for you, and your beginning to see it happen before your eyes. Let yourself enjoy the new changes, let yourself experience the opportunities, and most of all let yourself be happy. You have planted so many seeds, and now they are growing into what you have visioned, enjoy the sweetness of each new reward you have worked so hard for. Let yourself glow with excitement, florish with new experiences and blossom into the new you. 💖 💖 💖 Daily Card : Five of Wands
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Hi all 😊. Today's card is about being reborn. A great adventure is waiting for you to come. You have been through the bumps, scars and learnt lessons, and now know what you want, dont want and will accept. Now is the time to enjoy adventures with a new perspective on your world. You are now focused on yourself and enjoying it. Go jump into the unknown and watch yourself with clarity as you push past obstacles with ease. Take a leap of faith, enjoy not knowing and embrace a new excitement. 💖 💖 💖 Daily Card : Little Red Cup
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Hi all 😊. Today's card is about creating your world. Gaia is the goddess of Earth and she is a powerful creating energy, just look at all the nature life that surrounds you. Envision the world you want to live it, and start creating it in this world. Time heals all wounds and it helps create a better future. Grow the seeds you have planted, for some your seeds are growing, and for others your seeds are finally blooming. No matter what stage you are in, just know the end result will be more beautiful, more exciting and more rewarding than you first thought. Head out into nature for ideas, for recharging and for apperciation of all its glory. 💖💖💖 Daily Card : Guardian of Crystals
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Hi all 😊. Today's card is about feeling the new burning desire in you. You are breaking barriers, you are re igniting what makes you happy, and you are letting a lot of negativity go. New ideas are coming through, new emotions are emerging and new ways of seeing your world. These are all good things as it helps you create a better future for yourself. Enjoy this period in time as it is your growth taking place, look at it as a clean slate or the white paper to begin drawing. This is where you will see exactly what you have learnt over the years, and a clearer vision of what you except into your life. Happy fun, enjoy the journey and paint whatever your heart desires on your blank canvas. 💖 💖 💖 Daily Card : Eight of Wands
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Hi all 😊. Today's card is about beginning that new adventure. You have prepared yourself for this moment, you have looked at every angle and you have wanted to start this for so long. Now is the right time, to step into your new chapter, you already know where you want to end, this is just the starting line to finally cross into making your way to your goals. Here is where you will find yourself, find your wants and needs, find your dislikes and likes, find what you are made of and find your happy place. Let the new adventure begin, dont be scared, be fearful and excited and let yourself find freedom. Have fun, be excited and enjoy each step.💖💖💖 Daily Card : Nine of Wands