Fake Industries
We Are Fake. At Fake Industries we climb mountains for our friends, helping them find solutions to all their business marketing needs.
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#custom #corflute #standee for @nova_969 for @justinbieber #purposetour #Sydney 👌🏻 Bieb's is just chillin' next to Betty the @cadillac in our factory. #WeAreFake
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@adele #corflute #signs for @nova_969 • #AnySize #printed #fast #sydney #digitalprint #wideformat #wearefake
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#large #fabric #banner #SydneyOperaHouse #NovasRedRoom #EdSheeran #Nova #big @teddysphotos #iconic #chewieii
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@averydennison #SupremeWrap #Gloss #Silver with spot graphics #Nova969 #PaintIsDead #LaidNotSprayed #VinylWrap #Wrapped #Casanovas
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#HappyChineseNewYear2017 #YearOfTheRooster #LunarFestival #SydneyHills - #PylonSign #totemTower #custom #wayfinding #events #cmyk #epson #corflute - get down to #BellaVistaFarm today for the #LunarFestival @sydneyhillsevents
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#Cafe #windowsign #mirrorGold #avery and #white #metamark #reverse install. New #exciting #cafe #bar #balmain #mrbalmain @mrcafeandbar
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#signTowers #pylonSigns #totemTowers #any #size #event #wayfinding #ausday #hills #hillsshire #bellavistafarm #sydneyhillsevents #cmyk #branding #fast #madebyfake #askushow @sydneyhillsevents #whatson #australiaday2017
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Print runs for days! #AlcoPouch #hexis #decals #branding #nofilter #summer #events #whitematte #epson #simple #creative
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#StormTrooper #VWT5 #VW #Van #bus #starwars #matteblack #avery #averysupremewrap
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#2016bestnine #HappyNewYear #2017 #bringiton2017 #bringiton #thanksfor2016 #thanksforthesupport #sydNey
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#MerryChristmas #XMAS #HappyHolidays
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#big #banner for #xsespresso #great #coffee #campos #cmyk #bigmessage