This page has been created to support others towards improving their health and lifestyle through the philosophy of Ayurveda and essential oils. Rasayana is a sanskrit word meaning 'rejuvenation'. When the body experiences relaxation and rejuvenation stress decreases which allows the body to have more energy to heal itself of disease. The intention of Soular Touch Rasyana is to touch people's lives with solar energy, words, thoughts, and/or lifestyle changes in order to assist with an individual's self-healing on the physical, mental, and soul levels.
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facebook.comOil Massage to Soothe Your Nerves - Learn Ayurveda: Articles, Newsletter & Classes
Here is an excellent article explaining the benefits of regular oil massage. Not only is this important for dry aged skin but it's also important for babies too. I often hear parents say "I lotion my baby every day". What they don't realize is lotions are much less beneficial than oil and most are filled with toxins (yes even the baby lotions), as you will read in the article.
Journaling Gooey / Dull Foods - Learn Ayurveda: Articles, Newsletter & Classes
AYURVEDA PHILOSOPHY Ayurveda uses Gunas/Qualities in order to maintain balance within the body. The philosophy is similar to homeopathy in that 'like increases like', depending on the nature of the disease. Certain situations require the opposite guna to bring the body back to balance. Good examples of these can be seen with the classic saying "feed a fever, starve a cold". The body's natural response to killing an infection is to create a fever. A fever acts as a fire which burns away infection. In this case it is not good to relieve a fever as that will allow the infection to remain. Rather it is best to "feed" the fever and allow it to continue to kill the foreign invaders. In this case the best treatment is "like increases like". With the case of a cold, the opposite quality (heat) is required in order to reduce the amount of cold in the body. This allows for better circulation and fighting from the immune system. As well it helps improve digestion so that the body is able to spend less energy on digestion and has more available for healing itself. Listed below is an article from Joyful Belly which talks about a lesser known quality- Gooey/Dull. This quality is important to use when there is too much stimulation, movement, and heat, often caused by rajasic type foods and lifestyle. Gooey quality is great for soothing inflammation in the gut and helping to build the immune system. A thick mucous membrane is required along the intestinal tract in order to keep foreign invaders away from the body. Vata and pitta type people often struggle to produce a thick mucousy barrier because they often lack cold, moist, and liquid qualities. Gooey and dull foods can benefit in this way by helping to increase the moisture and stickiness they need. Caution is needed when using these qualities as they can cause dullness, slowing, toxin accumulation, and heaviness (also known as tamas qualities). Please read the article and feel free to book in for a consultation with me if you would like to learn more about using gunas for your own health benefits :)
Yoga for Beginners • Yoga Basics: Yoga Poses, Meditation, History, Philosophy & More
If you have been thinking about learning yoga or pranayama here is a wonderful website to help you get started
Malabsorption () - Ayurvedic Diet & Natural Home Remedies
This is an article from Joyful Belly which is worth a read as many people have malabsorption and don't even know it. As you read you will see that it talks about the intestines not being able to absorb nutrients that are only partially digested. Enzyme deficiency and lack of digestive juices can render food incompletely digested. I would like to also mention that Proton Pump Inhibitor medication, which is often prescribed by doctors for treating acid pain, will permanently reduce the amount of acid that your stomach excretes. The problem with that is you need that acid to digest your food and a lack of this acid can lead to malabsorption. This makes it a Band-Aid fix that only treats the pain and not the cause. Ayurveda has many remedies for treating the cause. If you would like to know more please feel free to ask me :)
8 Acupressure Points to Relieve Jaw Tension and TMJ Issues
Here's an excellent page which shows the marma points for jaw tension and pain. For a potent effect book in with me for a face massage and I can stimulate the points for you using crystals and essential oils. You won't be disappointed :)
12 Amazing Health Wonders Of The Neem Tree
Indian mythology tells that the Neem tree manifested after the churning of the Ocean of Milk (see the previous post to watch a video). Lord Dhanvanthari (founder of Ayurveda) appeared from the ocean after the milk was churned. He was holding a pot filled with nectar. Lord Indra (the king of the Devas) took the pot from the Asuras (the gods), but as he left a few drops of nectar fell down onto the earth and the Neem tree came forth from the nectar. Neem is a bitter herb used widely in Ayurveda. See the link below to read about it's wonderful health benefits.
Ayurveda-the Churning of the Ocean of Milk
The classical Indian stories are always fun to hear so I thought I'd share this. Enjoy! :)
I can relate to this story. Can you?
Peppermint Cocoa Shake - Ayurvedic Diet & Recipes
Here's a fantastic and healthy festive holiday drink which is tridoshic! That means it's good for all 3 doshas......meaning everybody!! It tastes great while still leaving your belly smiling.
Photos from Soular Touch Rasayana's post
A couple of days ago my eye was very irritated and uncomfortable. I got out my home made ghee and gave it an eye bath. Not only was it incredibly soothing but I also saw quite a lot of green gunk come out of it. Green can be a sign of bacteria. Afterwards I had no irritation and happily enjoyed a date with my husband seeing the new Star Wars movie. It would have been a shame not to see his smiling face had my eye been bothering me too much to go. It gave me the idea that others may be suffering unnecessarily as well, so I have created a new service offering a ghee make and take including a ghee eye bath. A ghee eye bath can help soothe dry eyes, reduce inflammation, and improve eye health. It is also a healthy replacement for butter and margarine which provides a good cooking medium with added nutrients. For more information on the wonderful benefits of ghee see this website:
Timeline Photos
Here's another little gem which is great for headache relief. You can carry it with you anywhere or stick it in a bed side drawer and use it whenever you need to. Lavender and Peppermint are well known for relieving headaches but doterra has taken this further by adding Wintergreen, Frankincense, Cilantro, Marjoram, Roman chamomile, Basil, and Rosemary. The easy-to-use roller makes it ready for use at any time for any and all skin types. It works best when applied to the pressure points shown in the video on my previous post relating to headaches. If you are interested in purchasing this oil blend contact me and I would be happy to both supply the oil as well as demonstrate it's application.
Studies say that 12-15% of the population suffer from migraines. Often the cause is related to nutrition, environment, and/or lifestyle which can be remedied over time. For a quick relief when headaches strike pressure point stimulation can be effective. Even more effective would be to book in with me for an ayurvedic head and face massage using lapis lazuli on the face as it is known for it's effectiveness in relieving headaches. The treatment begins with a foot soak in sea salt, rosemary, basil, rose petals, cornflower, and calendula, which helps the body to relax. As you are soaking in bliss an ayurvedic head massage would be performed followed by an ayurvedic face massage with the use of 2 crystal wands which roll on the face and stimulate multiple pressure points (called marma points in Ayurveda). There are 37 points on the head and neck which when stimulated can help to relieve congestion, pressure, and stuck energy. As an added bonus I use aromatic essential oils for the massage which work to soothe tension, relieve headache, and deepen your state of bliss. Another fantastic treatment which I will be offering soon is the shirodhara treatment. Both treatments can also be used to prevent headaches before they occur. So if you feel the pressure rising and you know you're on the brink book in and see me before it's too late.