Western Adelaide veterinary clinic, animal hospital, dogs, cats, rabbits, birds & exotics. Puppy preschool, cruciate surgery, safe advanced anaesthetics The Findon Vet Surgery maintains the highest standards of pet care, with an emphasis on the human animal bond, preventative care, pet behaviour and socialisation, and accessability.
We offer no consult fee unless a treatment or service provided and other value added services. Our CitiPaws Club offers cost price pet food to members to minimise ongoing pet care costs.
Orthopaedic and the latest in anterior cruciate surgeries, patella surgery, complex hernia surgeries and more. Dental prophylaxis and oral surgery. We maintain the highest standards in anaesthetic safety. Including intravenous fluids for desexing procedures as standard.
We care for dogs, cats, rabbits, birds and small exotic pets including reptiles, rats, mice and guinea pigs.
Puppy preschool, pet behaviour and socialisation.
We are involved in the orangutan adoption project, save the bears, other charities including Bali Kids
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"DROP THAT BARNEY ... that;s grandma's HEARING AID !!!" No way; it was gone in a flash! Barney is a 12 week old pug-cross puppy and a few weeks ago found a tasty (?!) chewy potential toy...picked it up and started playing with and munching on it. Vince, Barney's owner, realized what Barney had and, sensibly, took it away. It was one of Gran's hearing aids, now destroyed. It took THREE WEEKS, but eventually Barney sniffed out Gran's other hearing aid, and although Vince saw Barney grab it, Barney was WAY-TOOO-QUICK this time, and knowing his hard-earned prize would soon be taken from him, he did what all normal puppies do...and swallowed it. IMMEDIATELY. No Chance for Vince at all !!!! The big problem is that Barney is a weenie 1.7kg, and this indigestible morsel would cause a stomach or intestinal blockage which would be fatal unless emergency surgery was performed to remove it. LUCKILY an emetic was given and Barney brought up the hearing aid in a large pile of vomit (try not to picture it...). Given its shape and size, I would not have been surprised if it had NOT been able to be vomited back up, but Barney had had a big meal and the large volume of his stomach's contents stretched his sphincter muscle (like a valve) at the top of his stomach where the oesophagus attaches, allowing this largish-odd-shaped object to be ejected "from whence it came" with his breakfast. Lucky Barney...Lucky Vince...Lucky Gran!!!!!! Ian
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"I feel FANTASTIC for THREE DAYS after my Accell Therapy Session!" Aristotle is FIFTEEN YEARS OLD and spends 15 minutes on our Accell Therapy mat once a week whilst having his Zydax arthritis injections. Aristotle's dad, Martin, can't believe the change in Aristotle as he prances, runs and jumps for joy after using the Accell mat! Ït's really wonderful to see him bouncing around, he really loves the mat and has it up quite high. The Accell mat has several eccentric oscillating/vibrating motors that create cycloidal or 3-D vibrations that free up his stiff joints and stimulate his tissue/muscle blood flow, and his lymphatic circulation. Its a proven drug-free therapeutic tool for arthritic patients, but also for senior pets, overweight pets, pets with even has a calming effect on anxious pets. Every dog and cat that receives Zydax or Cartrophen injections with us get free use of the Zydax mat - one session for each and every injection. Most of the staff have also tried it, and Niagara Therapies is the Human brand and produce chairs and beds with the same technology for hospitals and home use. Ian
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ITS BABY BIRD SEASON! Advice from Fauna Rescue to help save baby birds... Every year thousands of baby birds are rescued by well-meaning members of the public when they are found on the ground unable to fly. In the majority of cases the “rescue” was not necessary because it is normal for young feathered birds to fall from the nest to the ground before they learn to fly. Once on the ground they spread, flutter and strengthen their wings over a few days, generally under the watchful eye of a nearby parent that will also feed them. Within that time the fledglings gain sufficient strength to flutter upward into the safety of a nearby bush or tree. *** A fledgling bird removed ("rescued") from its environment is, unfortunately, doomed. If it hand raised, it can never be released as it will be attacked and killed by other birds. Below is a summary of fauna rescue’s recommendations: *If you find an UNFEATHERED baby bird on the ground, if possible, return it to its nest. If it cannot be returned to its nest advise contacting fauna rescue to see if there is a carer available to take the bird into care. * If you find a FEATHERED baby bird, wait an hour to see if the parents return. If no parents appear contact fauna rescue. DO NOT RETURN IT TO ITS NEST as it will just jump out again! * If the baby bird is at risk from feral cats place it in a plant pot or plastic container with drainage holes with sticks and leaves *For the few days while the babies are on the ground learning how to fly keep your cats indoors and ensure your dogs are kept in a different area. *Only rescue orphaned, unfeathered or baby birds. Place in a small container eg margarine container. Line with tissue. Place on top of a hot water bottle filled with warm water. Place in a box. Contact FAUNA RESCUE: 24 hr Hotline: ph 8289 0896 For more information: Ian
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Myxomatosis Outbreak UPDATE From Dr Beverley, our Rabbit Vet: For the first time in many years a deadly outbreak of myxomatosis occurred this spring. Sadly many much loved rabbits succumbed to this awful illness and our deepest sympathy goes out to the families who lost their pets to this awful disease. It has been about 2 weeks since the last case was seen at either our Findon or Seaton clinics, HOWEVER. we would still advise exercising caution as there are still many mosquitos around due to the unusually humid weather we have been experiencing. We advise continuing to apply Revolution each month to all pet rabbits on the back of their neck. Contact us if you need to discuss dosing. We would still recommend keeping rabbits indoors at dawn and dusk and keeping mosquito netting over all enclosures. Another deadly virus spread by mosquitos is calicivirus. We would recommend ensuring that all pet rabbits are up to date with this vaccination. Unfortunately there is no vaccination available in Australia to prevent myxomatosis. Dr Beverley
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MEET Jenny from FAUNA RESCUE who picked up nine gorgeous Pacific Black Ducklings today from the Seaton Vet Centre. Weighing in at only 30 grams, they are only one to three days old and were probably abandoned by their parents after a dog unwittingly scared them away near the reserve on Selkirk Ave. Jenny will nurture these fluff-balls for around four weeks...initially feeding every 2 hours!!! At that stage they will be ready to tackle water and begin swimming, and will be transferred to another Fauna Rescue Carer, with a pond on a fox proof property, where they will stay until they are around eight weeks of age. They are able to fly away at any stage as they mature and gain confidence. This is called a 'soft-release', with the adventurous ducklings flying the coup earlier...and the ones that enjoy the creature comforts maybe delaying their departure! WELL DONE JENNY, what a wonderful service you provide our (often endangered) wild life. A BIG Thank you from Mother Nature :) Ian
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HAPPY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EVERYONE!!! Imagine our surprise when a Beaming Jesse and Dave opened the front door at Seaton Vets and pushed a shopping trolley through ... ... with EIGHT wonderful Border Collie puppies! My phone didn't take a good photo of the gorgeous pups, but I assure you that they were an instant hit ... and they all coped so well with their first vet visit and vaccination. Hopefully they'll all go to caring and well prepared dog lovers ... Our Occy is now a 2.5 year old Border C ... and Ali and I STILL can't find the OFF button !!!!! Ian
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URGENT ALERT FOR RABBITS IN ADELAIDE ! *** Myxomatosis Outbreak*** There has been multiple deaths of rabbits from myxomatosis in the past week in Adelaide and we have seen one sad case already. Myxo is a highly contagious virus which is spread by contact with infected rabbits and biting insects (mosquitoes and fleas). Initial symptoms include a swollen face especially the eyes and ears, and also the genitals. This is followed by pneumonia and death. Most, if not all, pet rabbits die. WE ADVISE TO IMMEDIATELY keep rabbits indoors if possible. If outside, ensure the hutch is securely covered with mosquito netting. APPLY Revolution or Advantage drops every 3 to 4 weeks. If a rabbit dies from suspected myxo - do not get another rabbit for at least 4 to 6 months as the virus can survive this time in the environment. DISINFECT the hutch and both food and water bowls with bleach or F10 solution (pet shops or stock food stores may have), and rinse thoroughly. There is NO vaccine or treatment for myxo - PREVENTION is paramount. Please take action immediately ... This is the FIRST outbreak of this magnitude I have seen in twenty five years. Ian & the Findon and Seaton Vets Team
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a HUGE congratulations to Ajax the kelpie x, Jerry the Maltese x Silky, Remi the Border Collie, KoKo the Jack Russel x Pug, Tank the French Bulldog and Bandit the Maltese x Shih Tzu for all graduating with flying colours. Daisy
Photos from Findon and Seaton Vets's post
AIR !!! Its definitely not under-rated ... I love it ! Meet Bindi, a seven month old Pug-Cross whose nostrils have really restricted her ability to breath through her nose, causing snorting, snuffling, AND snoring. Not all pugs and other 'brachycephalic' (short snouted) dogs have such stenotic (narrowed/closed) nostrils...but Bindi was definitely having a tuff time of it. Just breathing in would suck her nostrils SHUT! During her recent spey I performed an Alar-fold resection, removing that part of the nose that was obstructing her breathing. The rule of physics is that if you double the diameter of the tube, you QUARTER the resistance to the air-flow. I achieved much more than this and when Bindi awoke, the difference was immediately noticeable. Kiara, Bindi's mum. couldn't believe it! Here is Bindi for her 4 day Post-Op check...and although Bindi wasn't sure if she should be happy to see me (...or Not!), Kiara was certainly thrilled with the peaceful nights and, by day, a bouncy pup that was enjoying soooo much oxygen! I have before and after photos whilst Bindi was on the operating table. Ian
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Congratulations to our new round of little graduates. Completing their degree in puppy manners at our Puppy Preschool this semester were Alfie the Pekingese x Maltese, Logan the Husky, Ryder the Shih Tzu x Border Collie and Tiger-Lilly the Staffy x Heeler. An absolutely lovely bunch of pups and owners - congratulations everyone! Mollie
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Toffee's Tumble ... from the bed! Toffee was only 3 months old and playfully misjudged the edge of the bed, breaking her hind leg in the fall. Her dad, Teru, raced her down to us at Seaton where x-rays confirmed a complete oblique fracture of her tibia which was partly displaced. You will see areas at the ends of her tiny bones where there are many spaces - these are where her young bones are yet to have fully grown (growth plates) and they present a problem with orthopaedic fixation because they can become damaged and affect the growth of that leg. Toffee's surgery was a complete success and she has made a full can see the tiny size of the pin after removal! Toffee, an apricot Cavoodle, is back running and jumping...and cuddling!!! Ian
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Congratulations to our lovely little graduates of Puppy Preschool! And what a mixed bag of breeds this run! It was great fun seeing everything from a Papillion to a Cane Corso getting along as friends :) Well done everyone!