★ S.A.S.H ★ Every Week ★ S*A*SH by Day at The Greenwood and S*A*S*H by night at Home Terrace ★ S.A.S.H brings you proper house music and Sunday adventures across Sydney EVERY SUNDAY AFTERNOON, NIGHT and Monday MORNING at our two stables...
★ Greenwood ★ Home ★
Joining two of Sydney's longest running house institutions together, The Greenwood hosts S*A*S*H by Day bathed in the glorious sandstone open air courtyard. The historic church in North Sydney nestled at the feet of sky scrapers offer a heaven in the mayhem washed in the Australian sun. For those with itchy feet or night owls Home Nightclub overlooks the magnificent Darling Harbour as the backdrop.
With two outdoor "smoker friendly" venues, cheap drinks, spectacular setting & Funktion 1 Sound systems to keep things sounding delicious. call it what you will... but it stands for quality crowd, top venue, crisp sound system, cheap drinks, tasty food & most importantly... the music!
S*A*S*H - The Greenwood Hotel & Home Nightclub take a zero tolerance stance on drugs at our events or venues
★ Sundays.are.shit.hot ★ sorry.ain't.seen.him ★ sorry.about.saturday.honey ★ Sundays.at.surry.hills ★ sock.ass.shoes.hats ★ Sunday.after.spice.hurts ★
Join us for a Sunday sesh soon !
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S.A.S.H's cover photo
S.A.S.H's cover photo
SASH by day / Night / Rossko / Danni B / Ralph Lawson
Timeline Photos
We have you covered today. Instagram: @sashsundays
Timeline Photos
Instagram: @sashsundays Sunday is just around the corner
★ SASH by Day / Night ★ GUTI (live) ★ MUUI ★ Gemma Van D ★
S.A.S.H's cover photo
★ Djuma Sound System ★ Trojan House Records
★ Djuma Sound System ★ Trojan House Records
SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds
★ Merci beaucoup to the French mademoiselle, Molly for the next installment ★