We are the Youth Ministries Department of the Greater Sydney Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
We exist to Grow Disciples Mobilise Leaders Youth Events organised by the Greater Sydney Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Youth Ministry Department
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Hi young people of Sydney. Don't forget to register for CONVERGE 18+ camp. It starts next Friday but there are still some spots available. Not many early bird tickets left so don't miss out. Cant wait to hang out with those that will be there. Head to this link to register.
Sydney Adventist Youth's cover photo
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I wonder if you can help? I am looking for a Registered Nurse to be our camp nurse for either Junior Camp (Jan 10 to 15, 2017) or Teen Camp (Jan 16 to 22, 2017). Have asked a few but they are unavailable. If anyone is interested or you know of someone, please get them to fb message me. Thanks for your help! Keep praying that someone will come forward.
Sydney Adventist Youth's cover photo
Register for Junior Camp 2017
There are still some spots left for GSC Junior Camp 2017. If you have children from the age of 10-12 this is an amazing week they should not miss! Register at
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Converge 2017 is still being sold at the early bird price of $99 with only 115 spots left Australia wide, so make sure you don't miss out!
Carols on Denison starting at 4:30pm. Come on down ✌️️
118 Spots left at early bird price!!
Great news!! extra funding has been generously poured into Converge for your benefit! 118 spots left at early bird price!! register Asap because these spots won't last.
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In Pathfinders you learn how to tie knots but maybe Jesus is asking you to untie knots in people's lives. Mark Baines at the Pathfinder Rally.
Photos from Sydney Adventist Youth's post
Greater Sydney Pathfinders at our Pathfinder Rally. Mark Baines preaching it up.
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A short film to make you think of why young people leave the church. Please church allow young people to ask tough questions and have doubts. Explore with them the love of God and mentor them and love them into the Kingdom.
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The Upper Room engaging why young people are leaving our church through a movie created and directed by Robbie Fatt.