F45 is the revolutionary training system changing lives around the globe. Group Training, Life Changing
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facebook.comWoohoo! 🤠😛😖😎 we installed more aircon to keep us cool 🌬
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Last "practice" for the 8 weeks challenge!! #F45 #exercise #hollywood #hiit
That LOYALS session this morning was a BEAST!!! Resistance + Cardio - rest = Friday's super workout😎🏋 #F45_epping #Special_Sauce #Friday
F45 Training Challenge
4 DAYS TO GO!! Check out this amazing transformation from the 8 weeks challenge!!
F45 Training Challenge
6 DAYS TO GO!! woot!!
F45 Training Epping
Whatever your goal is, we are doing it together! #F45challenge #F45_epping_family
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Book your Body Composition Scan online at Scan's happening on the 4th Feb this Sat! #f45challenge #body_composition
F45 Training Challenge
Who is having a Kitchen Makeover this week?!?
Feeling the vibe guys!! Great start to the weekend. Time to relax on the beach or prepare for school 😏
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Today, Pete made dumplings for all! 🤓🍴
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You three shall be missed. Take care of yourselves! Including your health and fitness!! โ๏ธโ๏ธ
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Keep up the great efforts!! #f45 #exercise #team