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MCKS Pranic Healing Melbourne - Victoria

11 Valley Park Grove, Eltham, Australia



Join us to learn all about Pranic Healing and how you can heal yourself. We run free meditation and healing clinics as well as Pranic Healing classes. Pranic Healing is a system of subtle energy healing ‘rediscovered’ by Master Choa Kok Sui. Master Choa began studying various methods of energy healing from around the world at a very young age. He then spent about 20 years experimenting and developing a system of energy healing that was based on science. Master Choa wrote the book Miracles Through Pranic Healing in 1987 and began to teach his findings to people from all over the world. Now Pranic Healing is practiced in ** countries around the world by all kinds of people. Doctors and lay-persons alike use Pranic Healing along-side traditional medicine to help improve health and well-being, to help people have happier healthier lives.

Pranic Healing is easy to learn and easy to apply to oneself and on others. During the Basic Pranic Healing Course (two days) one can learn to feel subtle energy, to feel energy imbalances and how to correct these imbalances, allowing the body to heal itself rapidly and properly.

Pranic Healing works with the energy field that surrounds and penetrates the visible physical body. It works with 11 major chakras and many minor chakras, the meridians and nadis. In Pranic Healing you will learn how to clean the energy body, removing diseased energies and replenishing the energy body with healthy energy (prana) which in turn increases the bodies natural ability to heal itself.

Anyone with an average ability to concentrate and an open but discerning mind can learn Pranic Healing.

Pranic Healing is not meant to replace orthodox medicine, but rather to complement it.


Welcome to Pranic Healing for Melbourne and Victoria.

Master Choa Kok Sui's Pranic Psychotherapy Class this Saturday! "This is the class that gave me the tools to heal myself from Fibromyalgia, it allowed me to see the root cause of this disease and how to heal from it. Anyone who is serious about energy healing needs to take Pranic Psychotherapy." - JR See the website for details.

Master Hector Ramos

Welcome to Pranic Healing for Melbourne and Victoria.

Check out the website for all upcoming courses, events, meditation groups and more!

Kids Area - Global Pranic Healing Convention

Coming to the Global Convention? Bring your children! Fun for the whole family!

Arhatic Group Practice Schedule - Melbourne 7pm start. Thursday Feb 9, 11 Valley Park Grove, Eltham Thursday Feb 23, 2/13 Garrison Drive, Glen Waverly Thursday March 9, 46 Bonview Cres, Burwood East Thursday March 23, 3/32 Adrian St, Bentleigh East

Advanced Pranic Healing

Advanced Pranic Healing


Pranic Healing & Meditation Centre - Queensland

World Pranic Healing Foundation India

Higher courses in India!

N.S.W Pranic Healing Centre

Please "Like" the Pranic Healing N.S.W. page for all info on Pranic Healing events in N.S.W!

N.S.W Pranic Healing Centre

Tours - Global Pranic Healing Convention

Kids Area - Global Pranic Healing Convention


NEAR MCKS Pranic Healing Melbourne - Victoria