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26/280 Newl Line Rd, Dural, Australia
Home Improvement



The Homevent system benefits people by providing purified air to the home at the same time helping homeowners save hundreds of dollars on electricity,  Homvent uses that latest technology in the world to control the air you breath in your home, to ensure that it is clean of dust mites and poland's from flowers. The system takes air from your roof space, filters it and distributes it evenly through your home in winter, keeping your house warm using free solar energy. In summer its fans blow at full speed bring the air in from outside, filtering and cooling your house.It also takes air from one room and distributes in through the house depending if you need cool or warm air. If you already have air-conditioning the system works with your air-conditioner to save you hundreds of dollars a year off your bill.  This makes your Home healthy as it also helps in the prevention of mould and removes cigarette smoke and odours.  The Homevent system is the best thing you can do for your home, but more importantly its the best thing you can do for you and your family's health.


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