WA Health Travel Survey
This is the Facebook page for the Western Australian Department of Health Travel Survey taking place in 2016/17. This is the Facebook page for the travel health study that is being conducted by The University of Western Australia and the Western Australian Department of Health. The purpose of this study is to better understand the travel behaviours and experiences of Western Australians travelling to Bali.
We wish to gather information about your upcoming trip to Bali, Indonesia, including information about your accommodation, travel companions, planned activities, and your health in Bali. This survey was approved by the Western Australian Department of Health’s Human Research Ethics Committee (Project #2015/58).
By completing this survey, you will go into the draw to win a $1,000 Coles Myer voucher, or one of ten $100, Coles Myer vouchers. If you are selected as a winner you will receive your voucher via email at the conclusion of this study.
Participation Requirements
Involvement in this study requires that you be an Australian resident over the age of 18 years, who is travelling to Bali before (last day of study), and staying at least one night. You also must be willing to complete an online survey upon your return to Australia.
Involvement in the Study
If you choose to take part in this study, we ask that you visit the enrolment webpage (http://www.wahealthtravelsurvey.com/) provide an email address, and some demographic information (age range, sex, date of travel). Once enrolled in this study you will be randomly allocated to one of two groups. Within a week of enrolment you will receive an email welcoming you to the study. Please add GV.TravelSurvey@health.wa.gov.au to your safe list, or you may not receive correspondence from us.
Within two weeks of your nominated return date, you will receive another email, containing a link to an online survey. This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. To further assist researchers, you may wish to supply identifying information in the survey. This is not mandatory, and will not affect your participation or chance of winning a voucher in any way.
All the information collected in this study will remain confidential, and onlybe used for research purposes. Survey data will be collected via Qualtrics, an online survey tool used by the University of Western Australia for academic research. All information to/from the Qualtrics servers is encrypted and monitored for unauthorised uses. All information collected by Qualtrics is treated as confidential and is the property of the survey author.
Contact Details
If you have any questions about this study or wish to discontinue your involvement, please contact Chloe Thomson on chloe.thomson@health.wa.gov.au from the email address you have provided, with the subject heading "OPT OUT”. If you have any questions about participating in this study, please contact Chloe Thomson via the email above.This information will be included in any correspondence from us, so you may opt out at any time throughout the study period.
By providing your email address and clicking the check box, you have read the information above, and agree to participate in this study.
Approval to conduct this research has been provided by the University of Western Australia, in accordance with its ethics review and approval procedures. Any person considering participation in this research project, or agreeing to participate, may raise any questions or issues with the researchers at any time.
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WA Health Travel Survey