St David's Uniting Church is a caring and welcoming Christian community that experiences and shares the love, joy and mystery of God. St David's is a caring and welcoming Christian Community that experiences and shares the love, joy and mystery of God.
Our friendly congregation welcomes individuals and families of all backgrounds. If you’re new to the area, or are seeking to know God and join in regular Fellowship, we would love to welcome you.
We also have a large cross-cultural Tongan ministry and a growing youth program.
We offer activities for all ages, including Bible Study, Child’s Play, Fellowship, Christian Meditation, Craft Mornings, School for Seniors, and Understanding Indigenous Issues.
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facebook.comClosing the Gap: Six of seven targets 'not on track', life expectancy gap unchanged
Nine years on from Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's Apology, progress is not promising on 'Closing the Gap' between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Our prayer is that we all do more to tell our true history and do more to change our present. St David's Uniting Church, Dee Why engages with these topics and UAICC - Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress through our Understanding Indigenous Issues Group. We will meet this coming Saturday at the church at 7.30 and have breakfast.
We support asylum seekers and refugees in Sydney. You can too! St David's Uniting Church, Dee Why keeps a basket near the door for items to go to Asylum Seekers Centre in Newtown. It's appreciated if you can donate: baby food canned beans chili flakes cooking oil honey and jams dried fruit red lentils long life milk muesli bars tinned fish baby wipes deodorant dishwashing liquid toothpaste laundry liquid You can also speak to members of the support group about other ways to help (including cooking meals).
Uniting Church NSW & ACT
The Uniting Church NSW & ACT publication Crosslight is writing about the movement towards Union that began over 40 years ago.
Uniting Church in Australia
Uniting Church in Australia President Stuart McMillan reflects on a 'theology of impact' exercised by churches in the Middle East that were visited by church representatives including UnitingWorld and Middle East National Conference.
Uniting Church in Australia
President of the Uniting Church in Australia Stuart McMillan shares a message for the 26th January. #SurvivalDay
Uniting Church in Australia
The #ModSquad shared their stories of faith and leadership at Yurora thanks to Christian Students Uniting. #Yurora17
Our Prayers for the World this Week Yahweh is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? Yahweh is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Yahweh, your stronghold is needed today in so many places where people are living in fear. People are living in fear of violence or warfare; people are living in fear of unemployment or starvation; people are even living in fear of their own governments. Yahweh, we pray that they may no longer have reasons to be afraid. One thing I asked of God, that I will seek after: to live in the house of God all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Light of the World, and to inquire in its temple. We pray for your saints and servants who help us behold the beauty of the Light of the World: poets and playwrights; painters and photographers; storytellers and museum curators. We pray for those who inquire in the temple of your cosmos: astronomers and biologists; deep-sea divers and mountaineers; children who climb trees and dig up gardens. We ask of you, God, that the light reflected by these people will always inspire us. For Yahweh will hide me in shelter in the day of trouble; Yahweh will conceal me under the cover of a tent, or set me high on a rock. Today we remember the tents housing refugees in Greece and Turkey; the rocks and remnants of civilisations in Athens and Constantinople; the frozen conflict among the beaches and hills of Cyprus; and the many churches and mosques providing relief and support in the Western Mediterranean; these are the places the World Council of Churches holds in prayer this week. Now my head is lifted up above my enemies all around me, and I will offer in the tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing and make melody for God. We celebrate the songs and melodies that punctuate our lives and carry God’s voice in the world: beautiful hymns, softly-spoken psalms, cicadas chirping, kookaburras laughing, meditative chanting, and absent-minded humming. We give thanks for the ways music moves our hearts and can be offered to you, God. Hear, O Yahweh, when I cry aloud, be gracious to me and answer me! "Come," my heart says, "seek a beautiful face!" Your face, Yahweh, do I seek. Give a gracious heart to those who ought to see your beautiful face: a newly-inaugurated president and his cabinet; wealthy lobbyists and predatory businesses; exploitative lenders and opportunistic politicians. We pray that the Light of the World might give them gracious hearts. Do not hide your face from me. Do not turn your servant away in anger, you who have been my help. Do not cast me off; do not forsake me, O God of my salvation! These things we pray through Christ, Light of the World and the Word-Made-Flesh. Amen.
2017 Planning Day
A great day of fellowship, reflection, planning, and encouraging in the life of our congregation. We had chances to share our joys, hopes, and concerns with the entire group and in smaller break-out groups. Thank you especially to our minister and the Executive of the Church Council for facilitating.
Including donations made this morning, St David's Uniting Church, Dee Why has raised $725 for Frontier Services through The Great Outback BBQ - Frontier Services. Thank you to everyone who has donated and helped.
St David's Uniting Church, Dee Why
Today St David's Uniting Church, Dee Why hosted The Great Outback BBQ - Frontier Services in support of Frontier Services. We raised over $600 and we will also have a retiring offertory tomorrow after morning worship. Thank you to the bakers, salad-makers, and furniture-movers who made our lunch possible.
St David's Great Outback BBQ
On 14th January St David's hosted the The Great Outback BBQ - Frontier Services in support of Frontier Services and raised over $600
St David's Uniting Church, Dee Why
We look forward to your fellowship and support this Saturday for the Great Outback BBQ to raise funds for Frontier Services.