Myilly Point Heritage Precinct is located & accessible via both Burnett Place & Kahlin Avenue in Larrakeyah & is the home of the famous Beni Burnett houses Myilly Point Heritage Precinct is where you can view some of Darwin's oldest and most historical houses, designed by Beni Burnett.
Upon entering Kahlin Avenue you will first notice the magnificent Magistrates House, currently leased to Coffey Environments as their office space.
Next along Kahlin Avenue is the vacant block known as STAHL Garden which originally held another Beni Burnett house that was destroyed in Cyclone Tracy.
Take your first right-hand turn onto Burnett Place and you will see Audit House which is currently the office for National Trust NT.
Right next door is the forever famous Burnett House, run buy dedicated volunteers of National Trust NT's Larrakeyah Branch, they open the house to the public as a historic house museum.
Mines House is the final house along Burnett Place and is currently leased to Lotus Heart Health who utilises this magnificent location and its serene setting while they pamper their clients!
Tell your friends
facebook.comDid you venture out to one of our Heritage Festival Events this year? Maybe you visited the Myilly Point Heritage Precinct Open House Day? Then We Want To Hear From YOU! Please feel free to share your photos and tell us about your favorite part of the event or if you attended more than one, what was your favorite event of the 2017 Heritage Festival!
The views along the precinct are second to none in this luscious weather.
Visit our new National website for more information:
Afternoon Tea at Burnett House NEEDS YOUR HELP! -excerpt from articles introduction- "I think that many National Trust Members and most of our visitors take it for granted that Sunday Afternoon Tea at Burnett House just “happens”. That’s what I thought until I recently started turning up at Burnett on Sunday afternoons. The sign out the front says Sunday Afternoon Teas 3.00pm to 5.00pm. Only a couple of hours you think - no big deal. So I thought I would take you behind the scenes on a typical Sunday afternoon in the Dry to see just what happens." Please visit our NEW LOOK national website to view, download and print this article in full.
Myilly Point Heritage Precinct's very own Burnett House is the picturesque setting for these monthly talks hosted by both the Larrakeyah Branch of National Trust NT and the Historical Society NT. Visit our local website to view, download and print your copy of the flyer outlining this months speaker & topic!
National Trust's Larrakeyah Branch and Historical Society of the Northern Territory announce their next speaker at Burnett House
Tibby Quall was the latest speaker at Burnett House on Friday 29 July as apart of the "Speaker at Burnett House" series, hosted by the Trust's local Larrakeyah Branch and Historical Society of the NT. Were you there to hear his story or have you been down to check out the exhibition that was also launched? Please share your thoughts and/or comments on his talk, the exhibition or both with us below.
National Trust of Australia NT are excited to have the NT Blues Brothers Revival band join us in our celebration of heritage at the festival event "Rediscovering Myilly Point" on Friday 22 April 2016! Tickets are ON SALE NOW!! For more information on the event (and other events scheduled for the 2016 Heritage Festival "Discovery & Rediscoveries" and to purchase tickets, please visit our website: