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Time is like a flowing river, no water passes beneath your feet twice, much like the river, moments never pass you by again, so cherish every moment that life gives you and have a wonderful New Year 2017
Are you screwing up your computer? More points and mistakes you might be doing deliberately or accidentally: 3- You're not patching software right away. Similar to the not-updating-your-antivirus mistake from the last slide, putting off those software updates, especially the operating system ones, is a great way to screw up your computer. Windows Update is probably installing these updates for you automatically but you can check for this, and change the behavior. It is worth a check! 4- You're not using strong passwords. Hopefully you know that passwords that include your name, simple words, 1234, etc., are all "bad" passwords. Information security experts call these types of passwords weak passwords. Weak passwords are easy to "crack" with special software. Very weak passwords are even easy enough to guess! Logging in to Windows or some other services without a password at all? Set one. Please! 5- You're still running Windows XP. Unfortunately, in April of 2014, Microsoft ended pretty much all support for it, meaning that those important security holes that are patched every month on Patch Tuesday are not being created for Windows XP!
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TekWave IT Services's cover photo
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TekWave IT Services staff would like to wish their clients a jolly Merry Christmas & Happy New Year...
Are you screwing up your computer? We will list for you some mistakes you might be doing that tell you if you are: Mistake No 1: You are not backing up continuously! Procrastination is the enemy. We put off a computer maintenance task because we don't have time, or tell ourselves that we'll back up our stuff next week instead. Mistake No 2: You are not updating your antivirus or even you don't have one! Most antivirus software, even free antivirus programs (of which there are plenty), automatically update their definitions, the term used to describe the set of instructions the programs use to identify and remove viruses and other malware. See you in the next one!
One Million Google Accounts Breached By Gooligan Android Malware: Check If You're Affected
Do you have an android smartphone? Check if your account has been compromised by the Gooligan malware!
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Is your PC taking a long time to boot? Or is it lagging and you think it's becoming a machine from the 90s? All you think about now is to get rid of it and replace it with a new one, or at least try to upgrade it. Usually all focus is shifted on upgrading the CPU and the RAM, but do you know that if you swapped your HDD (the Standard Hard drive) with SSD (Solid State Drive) you are giving your PC a huge boost and durability? Not sure how to do that and need further info about the difference between HDD and SSD, call us and we are happy to explain and help you out!
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Do you want to look like a Pro working on your Windows 10? Are you tired of using your mouse to close and open windows or move between tasks? Here is some keyboard shortcuts that will help you to finish faster and start to hit some keyboard buttons. Give it a try!
In TekWave we believe we are assisting people not machines! Some IT technicians tend to think of incidents and faults with the computer or the application or the system. These really are interruptions, barriers, and hurdles that end users need to get over or through. We in TekWave enable users to get on with their work, meet their deadlines, and have better outcomes. When we realise that we’re really supporting people and not machines, we think and act differently and deliver better service naturally.
What Does the Inside of Your PC Look Like?
Do you know what does the inside of your PC look like? This is an informative piece about the guts of your PC; have a look!
We know you might be reluctant to call an IT technician for a general tune-up and check for your PC/Laptop, or even not willing to pay a fortune to fix an irritating fault that keeps bugging you and keeping you behind schedule! Luckily TekWave is here to help and offer you a fee of 50$ ONLY per hour if you are within 15 KMs from Woden area! Not convinced yet? Currently we are running a 20% off your first invoice! Call us now and save.