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Vision Personal Training Camberwell

Level 1, 527 Riversdale Road, Camberwell, Camberwell, Australia
Outdoor, Recreation & Fitness



We build communities transforming people's lives. Our clients achieve remarkable physical & emotional transformations, improved health & increased energy.  


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Happiest birthday to this legend! Connor is one of our local Baristas currently smashing his Muscle Gain Program. Nothing like a solid party pump on your birthday 💪🏻🎈Looking awesome Connor, great to see you on your birthday! Gains! Gains! Gains! #visionptcamberwell #visionpersonaltraining #visionculture

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We are now on Instagram! 📷😃 Please show us some ❤️ and follow us. Nothing but good vibes, great results and lots of smiles! visionptcamberwell

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Can donuts and results be in the same sentence?

With so many fitness trends happening all at once there's a general misconception around nutrition and what you 'have to do' to get results. Many associate losing weight with restrictive diets which are often just unsustainable short-term solutions. Being happy about your body, fitness or life isn't about doing things for short periods of time, it's about doing them for long periods of time not because you have to but because you want to. Because it's a part of your lifestyle and you enjoy it. Are you trying to follow an unrealistic diet? Are you avoiding certain foods because someone said you had to? Do you struggle with cravings? Are you restricting yourself from the foods you love to eat? What if we told you that you didnt have to... Read how you can have complete flexibility and enjoy the foods you love without ruining your results. #visionpersonaltraining

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Monday... Come at me!!! 😃👊🏻💥💪🏻 Those that shop at the Camberwell Fresh Food Market will know this legend. We love supporting local businesses and the people that work within them. Macca has recently dropped a solid 19.5cms from his overall body measurements, is fitter and stronger than he has been in years. We love his personality and his energy every time he is in the studio. Macca's recent commitment to his exercise and health has put him on the right path to living a happier and healthier life. Great work Macca! We❤️you legend! If you need help achieving your goals we can help you. Call 9882 9070 or click the link below to book your free initial consultation. #visionpersonaltraining #visionculture

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Welcome to Vision Personal Training

Let us help you transform your life by getting started on the last health and fitness program you will ever need. You have nothing to lose with our money back guarantee. #visionpersonaltraining #visionculture

Photos from Vision Personal Training Camberwell's post

An action packed morning in the studio today! A run with these legends as the sun came up then it was time to sit down and listen how to eat to lose fat fast. We love the commitment and willingness to learn shown by our clients and that's why they get results! #visionculture #visionpersonaltraining

Photos from Vision Personal Training Camberwell's post

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Need some motivation heading into the weekend? Look no further than these 2 awesome ladies. Juliet and Ann have both lost over 5kgs and are dominating their goals. Juliet and Phil just finished a warm up run as they train together for the 15km Run For The Kids running event. And Ann is happier and stronger than ever 💪🏻 Look at those smiles! 😃 Great work ladies! If you need help achieving your goals we can help you. Call 9882 9070 or click on the link below to book your free initial consultation. We love making people happy. #visionpersonaltraining #visionculture

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Eating Less and Training More. Are You Starving Your Body?

Have you ever hit a plateau? Your weight doesn't budge no matter how hard you train? Do you feel tired, unmotivated or just unhappy? The process of eating less and training more is not uncommon and it could be preventing you from achieving your goals. It could be the reason you feel exhausted and frustrated about your progress. Read our latest article about the effects of under eating and how it could be harming your results and your health. #visionpersonaltraining

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Why do so many people exercise regularly, eat fairly healthily and yet still struggle to achieve their desired body shape goals? Our next studio seminar taking place this Saturday (18th March) at 10am will answer this, along with many other important questions, to ensure you have the right information you need to get the results you want. Our seminars are free so click the link to register your spot. #visionpersonaltraining #visionculture

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Vision Personal Trainers are passionate about educating people. Whether it's around emotions, nutrition or exercise our aim is to "transform peoples' lives through education, motivation and inspiration" improving the quality of the lives of those in our community. We are coaches, not just trainers and we are excited that one of Phil's articles has been published in the latest edition of the Vision Voice. Grab your copy next time you're in the studio and visit our web page to read more educational articles written by Phil. And while you're there make note and join us at our next seminar and shopping tour. Knowledge is power! 📖 🍎 💪🏻 #visionpersonaltraining #visionculture

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Peter McCormick - Lost 29.7kg and won National Weight Loss Challenge

We love transforming lives and that's what we do best! Peter is a busy professional and dad of five children but having the support and tools at Vision allowed him to transform his health and fitness whilst still fulfilling his weekly schedule. By making the right lifestyle choices, you can still do the things you love but do them feeling much happier and healthier, living life to it's full potential. #visionpersonaltraining #visionculture

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We♥️protein! Our delicious BRAND NEW Salted Caramel protein powder is in! Protein is essential for tissue repair and building muscle. The more muscle you have the more energy you can burn!!!💪🏻 Get a hold of yours before Phil drinks it all! #visionpersonaltraining #visionculture

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