Don't put up with menopause symptoms. Menopause Help can relieve your symptoms naturally.
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Dr. Joseph Mercola
Essential Oil Revolution
Women Claim This Surgery Has Cost Them Their Happiness, Their Sex Lives, And Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars
Dietary vitamin D intake may reduce risk of early menopause
Interesting study on the link between early menopause and Vitamin D. I also see a link in my clinic between severity of menopause symptoms and Vitamin D deficiency. #kerriabbottnaturopathnutritionist #menopause #vitaminD
David Wolfe
Women After 50
Kerri Abbott Naturopath/Nutritionist
Protein the building block of muscles, hair, skin, nails, bones, hormones, blood cells, neurotransmitters, detoxification....
Powering up - why women should get in training for menopause
Do you train regularly? Keeping active not only improves menopause symptoms but keeps you healthier for longer. #menopause #exercise #kerriabbottnaturopathnutritionist
St Frock
Zinc- can't live without it
Zinc- can't live without it
Legit Gifts
Great idea for night sweats 😊