Providing tuition in speech, drama, singing and performing arts. Individual, group and holiday programmes available.
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facebook.comI am very excited to announce that I will be holding school holiday program again at Sunshine Coast Grammar School these June school holidays. This is a great chance to make friends with creative kids and teachers who share a passion for performance and care for the performer. Performers will get a performance piece, supervised rehearsals and the chance to perform in front of an audience! Classes will be held: 27th, 28th and 29th June - Sunshine Coast Grammar School, 372 Mons Road, Forest Glen (registrations close 22 June 2017) - Senior Drama Room (S6) Time: 10am - 3pm Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th June. Time: 10am - 4pm - Thursday 29th June (performance from 3pm) Cost: $175.00 each student. Classes are open for all students from grade 4 to grade 12 (please contact me if you have a younger student who is interested). Students will learn to emotionally prepare for the performance with a focus on developing confidence and team work within the cast. The chance to improve their stagecraft: voice, physical performance, improvisation and blocking as well as facing the challenge of putting on a play in 3 days! It's all about ensuring these young performers are equipped with the confidence and skills required to face a formidable challenge - the growth and performance that occurs in just 3 days is amazing!! Please do not hesitate to contact me if would like any further details or to enrol your child.
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A Golden Ticket!!!
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Please see the attached television opportunity. Please contact Danny Long Casting for further information. Good luck!
AMAZING.... One of my students, Jordan, has received the HIGHEST result in Qld for her Grade 3 Trinity Speech and Drama examination. Now she's been invited to perform and be presented to the Governor of Qld.... WOW....!!!! What an outstanding achievement from Jordan. Well done.
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Congratulations Sunshine Coast Grammar School students who received their Trinity certificates on assembly this week. An outstanding 5 High Distinctions, 8 Distinctions and 7 Merits awarded. Congratulations all!!
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Day 2 ..... WOW!! Our devised theatre improvisation is coming together - think pirates, islands and robots!! Still time for some of our favourite games - expert doubles!!!
Photos from Miss Katrina Harvey, Performing Arts Specialist Tuition's post
Day one of our drama workshop - some AMAZING improvisations
Congratulations to Brielle Smith (Unity College) and Olivia Lanskey (Matthew Flinders) who are both students of Miss Katrina Harvey and who also both graduated grade 12 today. I've been fortunate to teach these two beautiful young adults and watch them develop into an amazing singer/actor and all over confident performers!!! Congratulations!!! We will miss you in our lessons and on our stage - but look forward to seeing you both perform again soon.
TRINITY EXAM RESULTS ARE IN!!! Congratulations to every student who undertook an exam. Amazing individual results - 8 students receiving a merit and 15 students obtaining a distinction. I'm SO proud...!
Gateway Theatre Productions
If any students would like to hold an audition workshop preparation lesson, please contact me.
Last day of exams for students (and the amazing support squad of parents!). Nearly there - let's keep up the momentum and continue the amazing performances!!
All the students were overflowing with happiness and pride following exams yesterday. Here we go again.... Day 2! Have fun!