Hilliard State School, Alexandra Hills
P-7 primary school
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facebook.comICE CREAM DAY - is back!!! Our first ice cream day will be held tomorrow at morning tea. For $1 kids are invited to come to the tuckshop and grab their yummy treat. We would also welcome any help if you can spare half and hour. Please come to the tuckshop at 10:45 am.
Car Park Safety Access to the school car park off Hanover Drive is for authorised vehicles only. For safety reasons, it is not a pedestrian entry/exit for students and parents. Pedestrian access to the school is provided at the top gate on Hanover Drive near the Hall, at the main pedestrian gate on Hanover Drive near the Administration block and near the Prep playground and bus stop on Alexandra Circuit.
Hilliard State School, Alexandra Hills
Just a reminder that the Milo in2cricket program will be running from 3:15pm to 4:15pm today, Friday, 5 February on the school oval. To register visit www.playcricket.com.au or Phone 0422 133 032.
Please note the Synergy Tennis Coaching flyers handed out recently had the incorrect starting date printed. The date should have read Thursday, 11 February. Contact Matthew on 0423 364 293.
Hilliard State School 25th Birthday Fete
Hilliard State School 25th Birthday Fete
Welcome BBQ for new families to Hilliard SS and all Prep families Wednesday 10 February 5.00pm – 5.45pm, outside the Hall conference room. Come along for a free sausage sizzle, a drink and a chance to chat to the Management and Leadership Team of the School. We look forward to welcoming our new families to Hilliard State School. Please note that an RSVP is necessary for the BBQ (invitations will be issued in the near future). Parent Information Evening The 2016 Parent Information Evening will occur on the afternoon and evening of Wednesday 10 February. Please claim this afternoon/evening on your calendar as we wish for all of our parents/carers to be informed about their child’s class and school operations in 2016. 6:00pm - 6:40pm Teachers conduct P1 session one in their classrooms 6:50pm - 7:30pm Teachers conduct PI session two (repeat of session one) in their classrooms The teachers will repeat the session, allowing for parents to attend sessions across year levels.
Hilliard State School 25th Birthday Fete
If you missed our earlier post, please like and share the dedicated Hilliard State School 25th Birthday Fete page. We are on the hunt for stall holders. First preference will be given to Hilliard parents so get in quick. Only one stall of a kind will be accepted. Eg - only one hair accessory stall. For more information, email pandc@hilliardss.eq.edu.au https://www.facebook.com/hilliardssfete/
Hilliard State School Chaplaincy Committee. Hi Hilliard mums, dads and grandparents, welcome back! We are having our first meeting on Thursday ,4th February - all welcome to come along for a chat and morning tea. Our meeting will be held in the Music block next to the hall at 8.45am until approximately 10:30am. Hope to see you all. 💕💕 Chappy Team
Hilliard State School Chaplaincy Committee: Hi everyone, we are having a fundraising BBQ at Capalaba Bunnings from 8am to 4pm this Saturday, 6 February 2016. We would appreciate if anyone has a spare hour or two to help serve and support our fundraiser. Please contact us on 0438738844 or 0400791095.
Hilliard State School 25th Birthday Fete
https://www.facebook.com/hilliardssfete/ The fete is fast approaching. Please like and share the dedicated fete page with all of your friends. All fete related info will be posted only on this page.
FETE STALLHOLDERS WANTED!!! Are you are a Crafter, Party Planner, Gardener etc? Do you have items you would like to sell at our Fete? If that's you, email me today for more information on how to book a stall. Storm Clark: pandc@hilliardss.eq.edu.au