Phoenix Fitness Systems
Health, Fitness and Mindset without the Crap! Time for you to be reborn in the fires of your potential. We are here to enable you to make your dreams a reality. There are different 'Flames' that we focus on. So if you are looking for one of the best Personal Trainers in the industry, or if you want to BECOME one of the best trainers in the indsutry, if you want a competition coach with proven results, if you want online support, access to Self - Defence seminars and more. This is the best place for you to be
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HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT MADE EASY!!!! If you have been trying to lose weight (or fat) over the last few weeks but are struggling then there is one simple issue. You are taking in more calories then you are expending. It is that simple. Increase your movement, your muscle mass, your energy output first. Then speak to a professional about your caloric intake and if you can/ should decrease it.
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The word 'Diet' induces fear and failure. Cutting anything out of your diet completely or long term is generally not healthy for you either mentally or physically. Your 'diet' should actually just be your 'eating habits' and these should support you on the way to your goals. You will never achieve your goals and MAINTAIN them if you don't have a healthy relationship mentally with your food. Make small and easy to sustain changes so that you don't risk a yo-yo reaction with your weight Your success will come one step at a time.
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The secret to success...... There is none, apart from probably consistency. But even then we need to consistently make the right decisions. Those you see around you, succeeding in whichever area of their life you perceive them to be successful at, have probably failed more times than most of us have tried. If you keep focused and keep trying. If you get the support you need. If you fail once or twice. Success will come.
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During this time our job as Personal Trainers, Coaches and staff working within the fitness industry is support. Every individual who signs up in the new year does so with hope and passion and the determination to succeed in an area that generally intimidates them to some extent. Every trainer across the globe should be positively supporting those individuals who are trying to better themselves. I love seeing busy gyms.
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Do the small things right everyday......
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Believe in yourself
Phoenix Fitness Systems's cover photo
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Are you going to fail with your New year resolution?
Phoenix Fitness Systems
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It's better to be walking in the right direction, than running in the wrong. How will you start your weekend?