Kinderschool is a place where pre-schoolers can come to prepare for reading and writing, and learn important school readiness skills.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS🌟🌟🌟JUST 13 KINDERSCHOOL PLACES REMAIN BEFORE WE ARE AT CAPACITY FOR TERM 1🌟🌟🌟if you have friends wanting to join or would like to Trial a class it's not too late but HURRY! They won't last long 🐵
Photos from Kinderschool's post
All boys class first up today 👬👬👬
Photos from Kinderschool's post
Practising out Mmmmm sound with our mouth zipped closed & magnifying glass fun🔎
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It was great to meet so many new children today at Kinderschool & also welcome back familiar faces from last year. Everyone has grown so much and someone even turned into a monkey!🙊🙉
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Do you have a kinder child who knows all their alphabet sounds and is ready to read? Or a prep who has Wednesdays off and would like to practice their reading? Our little reading Class starts next Wed 15th Feb. 10:30-11:30 at Kinderschool Brighton. (School children do not need to book for the full term)
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🌟🌟NEW CUSTOMERS ONLY 🌟🌟 WIN...WIN...WIN... I have x5 vouchers to give away to some lucky little people. If you or someone you know may be interested in trying our Pre-school literacy classes in Brighton for their child aged 3-5 please 😊LIKE the post 😊COMMENT the class Day & Time you'd like. I will offer the vouchers to the first 5 people who comment and can come at one of the class times listed below starting next week! 14th 15th 16th Feb Feel free to SHARE this post or tag a friend who may not be on this page. Free classes are only available at these times and are subject to availability: TUE: 10:30-11:30 / 10:30-11:30 or 2:00-3:00 WED: 9:30-10:30 / 11:30-12:30 or 1:30-2:30 THU: 9:30-10:30 (full) 10:30-11:30 or 11:30-12:30
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Brand new readers hot off the press! These will be at our tutoring sessions soon!
Phonics in focus to tackle skills gap
FINALLY... Victorian government schools will be teaching children to read in a way that makes sense to ALL children and no child should "fall through the cracks". At Kinderschool our programs have always had a phonics base. This is what the research determines as best practice. I'm so glad that now once my little students get to school, this style of teaching will be continued. There are so many great phonics programs around now that target the early skills a pre schooler needs to be able to learn to read easily. At Kinderschool we use Little Learners Love Literacy. It's fun and effective!! COME AND TRY A CLASS TO PREPARE YOUR CHILD FOR SUCCESS 🙋🙋♂️
Rebecca Judd Loves
Looking for an online program to compliment our classes? Give Reading Eggs a try.
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Happy Australia Day! Enjoy hanging around with family & friends 🐨🇦🇺
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Sight Word Twister! A fun way to learn those school words that just keep coming home!