Welcome to the Curtin School of Education Student Association Facebook page. We provide regular updates for academic and social events for members here.
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Hey everyone, happy 2017 and welcome back to Curtin and the School of Education! An especially warm welcome to all incoming Education students and congratulations on being accepted. CSESA will be present for the first year Orientation Day, to be held on Monday 20th February 2017. More information will be made available about who we are, what we do and how we can support YOU as a student during your time studying as a pre-service teacher, on this day. If you need to contact us at any time, please do not hesitate to email me at Hope to meet you all very soon! Adam CSESA President 2017
Teacher Resilience Seminar
Hi Guys! Today we have a Teacher Resilience Seminar being delivered by Dr. Susan Beltman! If you're on campus please come to this FREE event to get some useful information you can use as a graduate teacher or as a pre-service teacher!! It starts at 12pm and is in 501:202 See you there!! Dean
Teacher Resilience Seminar
Hi Guys! Just a reminder that the Teacher Resilience is on tomorrow at 12pm in Building 501:202 please share the event so we can get more numbers and put on more useful seminars to help you guys out!
Teacher Resilience Seminar
AIM Overseas : Study Overseas » Inclusive Education: Theories and Practices from an International Perspective
Hi Future Teachers! I hope everyone did well on their placement and had a great time! Below I've attached some information about a wonderful opportunity to take an Education Short Course overseas during the summer holidays! So have a read and apply, not only will it be a great experience but a great thing to have your resume -Dean Study? Travel? Why not both? Studying Education at Curtin? Then you may be eligible to get uni credit and over $6,000 in government funding to take an Education short course this coming summer. See below for more information: Inclusive Education: Theories and Practices from an International Perspective (Austria) Info: AIM Overseas is excited to announce this new Inclusive Education program taught in Graz, Austria! It aims at providing students with a powerful understanding of concepts and theories of inclusive education. By examining arguments of both advocates and critics of the inclusive education system, along with relevant international political discourses, the program will ultimately address how professionals such as trained educators, social workers and psychologists can work together to provide the best possible environment for students with a wide range of learning difficulties. Teacher Education and Practice (USA) Info: Education students also have the exciting opportunity to study Teacher Education and Practice in the beautiful city of Charlotte, USA in December 2016. The program will start with a comprehensive overview of the history of and critical issues related to education in the United States, followed by introducing the structural aspects of contemporary education in America, which includes zoning, school choice, curriculum and relevant legislation. Site visits to various types of schools in America will enable students to learn how different teaching philosophies are applied and to better understand the variety of school options available in the U.S. School placement experience at the end of the course will give you an engaging opportunity to create and lead your own classroom lesson(s). Did you know…? Credit and over $6000 in Government funding are available for eligible students. Places are limited so Apply now! For more information, go to Call 04888AIMOS (0488824667) or email
Uni is back! Welcome back to all those continuing their courses, and welcome to those starting today or this week! CSESA has some really exciting academic and social events in the pipeline this semester that we'll update you with as they get closer. For anyone who hasn't signed up yet (or if you know people who haven't), email with your full name, age, student number, stream (primary/secondary) and guild status (member or non-member). Good luck this semester guys! -Lachy
Hi Everyone! Welcome to all the new students starting this Semester!! We hope you enjoy teaching just as much as we do. Unfortunately this semester we are unable to have a stall for O-Day, as many of our core members have other commitments and I am currently completing my Third Year Prac in Singapore. However for anybody wishing to sign-up (if you have already you don't need to again) please send an email to with the following information. -Full Name -Age -Student Number -Stream (Primary/Secondary etc) -Guild status (member or not) I wish you all the best for the coming semester and hope that you make the most of your time at Curtin! -Dean
Hello fellow educators! The Pub Crawl is quickly approaching (this Wednesday!). Please buy your tickets ASAP so we can finalise guest lists for the venues. There is only 10 online tickets left and there will also be a small amount available at the door if you decide to bring someone. It's shaping up to be a good night! Hope to see you there :)
CSESA presents: Back 2 School Pub Crawl
Hey guys! Tickets are selling fast! Over 1/4 of tickets already sold, so get in quick!
CSESA presents: Back 2 School Pub Crawl
Thanks to everyone who turned up to our Subway Lunch! Our next event is the Trivia Night next Thursday the 21st of April at 5:30pm. The cost is $10 for a table of 4!! Hope to see you there, Dean
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Hey guys, Subway starts in 20 minutes!! Eat fresh!!