Quadrant magazine is the leading general intellectual journal of ideas, literature, poetry and historical and political debate published in Australia. What is Quadrant?
Quadrant magazine is the leading general intellectual journal of ideas, literature, poetry and historical and political debate published in Australia.
Its stance is often described as conservative, neo-conservative, or rightwing. In fact it's not necessarily any of these things, but maintains a sceptical approach to unthinking Leftism, or political correctness, and its "smelly little orthodoxies". Its pages are open to any well-written and thoughtful contribution regardless of political tendency.
Unlike most intellectual journals it is open-minded on questions of religion and philosophy, judging material by the importance of ideas rather than requiring any agreement. It has no prejudices either for or against religion, and recognises that religion is an important intellectual and institutional part of society, whether or not it is "true".
It is uncompromisingly in favour of freedom of thought and expression, while insisting on civilised discourse, and understands tolerance to mean the willingness to listen to unpopular or unorthodox views which are well argued, while in practice taking tolerance to mean the willingness to live and let live which is so typical of Australian life.
“This fabulous publication has done more than any other in this country to nurture the high culture of Western civilisation.”
— Prime Minister Tony Abbott
“In the realm of ideas there has been no better publication in Australia over the last fifty years than Quadrant magazine.”
— Former Prime Minister John Howard
Quadrant is published ten times a year (January-February and July-August being extended issues).
Editor-in-Chief: Keith Windschuttle
Editor: John O'Sullivan
Deputy editor: George Thomas
Literary editor: Les Murray
Editor, Quadrant Online: Roger Franklin
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facebook.comThe Brazen Left’s Bid to Kill Quadrant
One by one, the institutions have been colonised and brought to heel: the press, schools, universities, public broadcasters, even police and armed forces. That same agenda demanded Quadrant's independent voice be defunded and silenced. It cannot be allowed to happen, but we need your help.
Not Ready for Prime Time
Did last night's TV debate between Bill Shorten and Malcolm Turnbull add a jot of information to the sum of the electorate's knowledge of either man? As three Quadrant contributors note, politics has much in common with septic tanks: noxious bubbles of insubstantial froth always float to the top.
A Visit with My Local Member
Is a citizen allowed to express to his elected representative grave concerns about the infamous Safe Schools program, soon to be be compulsory for all Victorian schoolkids? The answer is 'no', as I discovered during a frustrating and alarming visit with Labor's oh-so politically correct Catherine King.
Quick-Draw Capers at an H-Bomber Base
The world's greatest minds built the H-bomb and the bombers that stood ready throughout the Cold War to deliver it. The same cannot be said of the Blimps and braid-encrusted wallahs of modern warfare who were responsible for guarding those weapons on the tarmac.
Education Spending: More Equals Less
If stepped-up spending on schools actually produced better results, as a self-serving educational establishment never tires of claiming, Australia's students would be among the world's best and brightest. Instead, performance levels aren't just dropping, they're plummeting.
The Art of Tiepolo and Son
Villa Valmarana ai Nani has been one of the major attractions at Vicenza in the Veneto region of northern Italy since 1757, its enduring appeal owing everything to the remarkable frescoes whose popularity has survived war, the vagaries of fashion and partisan critique.
Secret Rhetoric Business
Words can be troublesome things, as their accepted meanings might derail an advocate's invoking of emotion in lieu of the more relevant examination of unpalatable fact. No wonder so many discussions of Indigenous betterment come couched in the vocabulary of vacuity.
The Australia Council’s Revenge
For the first time in Quadrant’s 60-year history we have applied for a federal literary grant and been completely denied. A savage blow to our modest finances, it is a brazen political decision intended to devalue our reputation and demonstrate that it is the Left which runs and controls the arts.
Media Is The Massage
Obama's ratings remain astonishingly healthy, given eight years of foreign-policy debacles, a wan economic 'recovery' and a nation more deeply divided than when he took office. His secret, as a White House spinner explains, is having grasped that voters know little and reporters even less.
Will the Anglican Communion Survive?
There is a vast difference between fighting for civil liberties fifty years ago and taking a stand on full inclusion and marriage equality now. Congregations face a paradox here, as embracing the modern liberal agenda is not the same as witnessing Christ to others.
A Contrast in Stone
A visit to the Hindu temple complex at Khajuraho, miraculous survivor of India's Muslim invasion, provides rather more than an opportunity to admire a vast assembly of remarkable friezes. It also prompts thoughts of Islam's compulsion to dominate and destroy.
Confronting Drug Legalisation
Acceptance of drug use will remain a threat to the community while the likes of George Soros pour multiple millions into the campaign, and so long as advocates such as Johann Hari and the fictions of his book, 'Chasing the Scream', remain unchallenged.