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103 Beattie Street, Balmain, Australia
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physiotherapy redefined
using ConnectTherapy and Thoracic Ring approach assessment and treatment models to find WHY your injured has occurred.  At redoHealth we treat the whole person head to toe.

To "redo" is to do something again or differently.

Health is defined as "the state of being free from illness or injury" (mentally and physically).

At redoHealth we use an approach not many physiotherapists use. We don't chase pain. We get to WHY your injury or symptoms have occurred.

To do this we have longer appointment times so we can be more specific with our hands-on techniques and give you targeted exercises to get you back to activity sooner!

Our primary goal is get you back doing the things you love to do!


Got Stacked? | redoHealth - Physiotherapy Redefined

NEW BLOG POST UP NOW In this blog post I introduce the Thoracic Ring Approach and some of its key concepts. What is the thorax? What is a thoracic ring? Why should your rings be stacked for optimal function? Read on...

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The slinky effect . . . The thorax functions much like a slinky. It absorbs shock and transmits force. It's spring-like nature is important for whole body function. . The thorax is made up of the thoracic spine (T1-T12) and thoracic rings 1-10 (11-12 are floating and do not attach to the front). . A thoracic ring is comprised of a right and left rib, a vertebra-disc-vertebra segment and the anterior ligamentous attachments to the sternum. . For example, your 5th thoracic ring includes your right and left 5th ribs, your T4/5 vertebral segment and the ligaments attaching into the sternum. . Ideally your thoracic rings are evenly and symmetrically stacked one on top of the other, almost a like a stack of dinner plates. . When you squat, they stay stacked. . When you jump, they stay stacked. . When your step forward they rotate as a group, but they stay stacked. . When you bench press, they stay stacked. . When you downdog, they stay stacked. . When you swing a golf club they rotate as a group, but they stay stacked. . When…you get the idea. . When you move, your thoracic rings should stay stacked. If the task requires trunk rotation, they will rotate, but rotate together. . Stacked rings allow for optimal function of your trunk with optimal neuromuscular forces around your thorax due to optimal neural output from your T6-L1 spinal nerves which supply your abdominal and paraspinal muscles. . Stacked rings and optimal neuromuscular forces allow for “give” in the system – the ability to absorb shock and transmit force, much like a slinky! . Problems arise when you rings become unstacked. This can be due to poor posture, injury and neuromuscular compensations resulting from injury. Think of unstacking like putting kinks in a slinky. . A child with a kink in their slinky is not a happy child. . . . . #thoracicringapproach #thorax #slinky #slinkyeffect #function #shockabsorber #spine #ribcage #thorax #thoracicspine #connecttherapy #ribs #rings #thoracicrings #squat #lunge #jump #steps #walk #run #benchpress #downdog, #warrior2 #movement #rotation #core #nerves #abs #stacked #redohealthau

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Spring into action . Start your week off right – with movement. . Over the next two week we will be talking all things #thoracicringapproach and how the thorax (your thoracic spine and ribs) plays an integral role in your movement and whole body function. . The thorax functions much like a spring or a slinky. . It absorbs shock. . It transmits force through the body. . It literally puts a spring in your step! . Get moving! . . . . #spring #step #move #jump #movement #physio #physiotherapy #physioblog #thoracicringapproach #thorax #thoracicspine #ribs #shockabsorber #forcetransmission #slinky #jumping #running #walking #ballistic #plyometrics #plyo #mondaymotivation #motivationmonday #motivation #action #getmoving #redohealthau

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Caught in the Middle | redoHealth - Physiotherapy Redefined

NEW BLOG POST UP CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE In this blog post I discuss how the lower back and the knee are more often victims of dysfunction elsewhere in the body. In order to manage these two common complaints, you must look beyond the local structures and consider the interconnections between other key regions of the body.

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What is OPTIMAL movement? . What is considered ideal when it comes to walking, running, performing a squat, lunge or push-up? . Optimal load transfer is the balance of mobility and control for all joints involved in the task – joint motion controlled without rigidity and maintained optimal joint axis. . What does this look like? . ➡️ A balance of intra-abdominal and intra-thoracic pressure (NO pressure belly). . ➡️ Ribcage can expand for optimal respiration. . ➡️ Sufficient “give” in the system – body’s ability to dampen and react to perturbation forces (no rigidity). . ➡️ Desired qualitative and quantitative features related to function and performance > the movement feels free, easy, unrestricted and looks like it! . . What is NON-OPTIMAL movement? . Non-optimal load transfer is the loss of optimal alignment, biomechanics and control. . This can be seen or felt as: ➡️ head, trunk or pelvis shifting or rotating during a squat ➡️ anterior and superior compression of the shoulder joint in an overhead press ➡️ excessive or insufficient rotation of a thoracic ring or rings during a golf swing ➡️ uneven compression across the pelvis during any functional movement ➡️ anterior displacement (shifting) of the hip as you step forward ➡️ failure of the foot to fold (supinate) as you push off ➡️ failure of the foot to fan (pronate) as you squat . Non-optimal loading can create and contribute to a variety of symptoms including, muscle tension, joint stiffness, neural tension and pain. Non-optimal load transfer in one area can create a knock on effect, resulting in non-optimal loading elsewhere in the body (think dominos). . Correcting the non-optimal is what we specialize in at RedoHealth. . This allows you to move better, feel better and be better! . . . . #optimal #movement #function #exercise #physio #physiotherapy #loadtransfer #functional #squat #lunge #pushup #gym #crossfit #yoga #pilates #golf #running #walking #swimming #health #instahealth #fitness #instafit #education #theory #movewell #redohealthau

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“Everything is connected and everything matters.” . The human body is amazing and complex. . All our body regions and systems depend on each other. . Head. Neck. Shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand. Trunk. Lumbar spine. Hips, knees, ankle, foot. . Articular. Fascial. Dural. Cutaneous. Muscular. Neural. Visual. Vestibular. Respiratory. Cardiovascular. Urogynaecological. Digestive. . All our systems interact. . A balance of movement and control. Mobility and stability. . When you turn your head to look over your shoulder is the movement just through your cervical spine? . When you rotate your trunk, where does the movement occur? Where should things be relatively stable and fixed? . When you squat, what should your spine do? Your hips? Knees? Feet? . When you take a step forward with your right foot what should be happening in your left foot, knee and hip? . These connections and interactions allow for optimal strategies for movement. Or when not functioning, non-optimal strategies. . . . . #connected #connectedness #connecttherapy #connect #interact #body #systems #holistic #optimal #movement #posture #function #meaningful #squat #lunge #run #walk #jump #swim #weights #exercise #neural #muscular #fascia #joints #muscles #nerves #redohealthau

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From Head to Toe | redoHealth - Physiotherapy Redefined

NEW BLOG POST UP FROM HEAD TO TOE In this blog post I introduce some of the basic concepts of ConnectTherapy, a holistic approach to physiotherapy, the way that I assess and treat all my patients.

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Are structural impairments always relevant? . Many are not. . . In a systematic review by Brinjikji, et al. (2014) 33 articles were reviewed. This included MR & CT imaging findings for 3110 asymptomatic individuals. . It is important to note that degenerative changes are common in spine imaging, both in pain-free individuals and those with back pain. . Brinjikji summarized findings of pathology prevalence between 20 and 80 year olds. . ➡️ Disc degeneration ↑ 37% to 96% ➡️ Disc bulge ↑ 30% to 84% ➡️ Disc protrusion ↑ 29% to 43% . ➡️ 50% of asymptomatic individuals 30-39 years old have disc degeneration, height loss or bulging. . This suggests that degenerative changes may be incidental and not casually related to presenting symptoms. . Imaging findings of spine degeneration are present in a high proportion of asymptomatic individuals, increasing with age. These imaging findings must be interpreted in the context of the patient’s clinical condition. . You must match clinical examination findings (power, sensation, reflexes) with scans. Does the patient demonstrate any loss of power, sensation or alteration in reflexes? . In the end having a scan is likely not going to significantly change management (unless there are positive neurological findings). . We must understand WHY your injury has occurred. The pathology or the WHAT (e.g. disc herniation) must always be considered, treated and managed accordingly. . Diagnosing the WHY will only assist in the more effective management of the WHAT. . . . . #systematicreview #structure #mri #ct #ctscan #imaging #radiology #backpain #neckpain #jointpain #osteoarthritis #aging #spine #spinehealth #health #healthcare #medical #function #motorcontrol #muscle #physio #physiotherapy #diagnosis #driver #dysfunction #connecttherapy #ljlee #exercise

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"The body achieves what the mind believes." - Joseph Pilates . The mind-body connection is vital to any successful Clinical Pilates program and is integral to the ConnectTherapy approach we use at RedoHealth. . . Visualization and mental practice are valuable tools that can make significant changes to the way we feel and move. . Mental practice is always a key part of training and skill mastery. Just ask tennis pros like Roger Federer or the William sisters. . Let them be the evidence for how well it can work for you! . . . . #mindbody #bodymind #connection #visualization #mental #mentalpractice #motorlearning #focus #focusedattention #massedpractice #elite #beckham #soccer #federer #willamssisters #tennis #pilates #josephpilates #clinicalpilates #dance #ballet #health #instahealth #fitness #fitspo #inspiration #motivation #redohealthau

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CLINICAL PILATES SMALL GROUP CLASS . Want to improve your posture? Strengthen your core? Rehab a low back injury? . I will be teaching an introductory Clinical Pilates class at @balmainbuddha starting this February 6th from 6:15-7:15pm. . Suitable for those with neck, shoulder, back, hip or knee problems. Or no specific problems at all - you may just want to improve your posture and movement! . Small class size - max 8 people per class. Still places available. . Book course at . Includes pre-course physiotherapy Assessment. Book at . Course few: $250 for Assessment and 8-week course. . . . . #clinicalpilates #pilates #balmainbuddha #balmain #rozelle #innerwest #physio #physiotherapy #mindbody #mindfulness #posture #movement #functional #core #corestability #corestrength #neckpain #backpain #spine #health #instahealth #fitness #fitspo #squats #lunges #abs #training #pilatesclass #redohealthau

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Why Clinical Pilates? | redoHealth - Physiotherapy Redefined

NEW BLOG POST UP NOW WHY SHOULD YOU DO CLINICAL PILATES? Exploring the benefits of small group exercises classes with Physiotherapists Please share

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