FFG Locations:
Central Club:
G/F, 15-16 Queen Victoria Street, Central, Hong Kong
CWB Club:
G/F, 17-19 Percival Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Fight Factory Gym Ltd is located in the heart of Hong Kong and also our first step into Asia.
We provides the training for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Boxing, Mix Martial Art, Kick-Boxing/Muay Thai, Submission wrestling, Professional Fight Team, karv maga, Yoga, Personal Fitness Training, Bootcamp and Summer Programs. All our trainers are professionals and martial artists who hold numerous major championship titles.
Whether you are a specialized fighter or perhaps you are making the first steps to getting in shape - it takes the same internal strength to see through your goals and overcome obstacles. The training you will receive with us can be life altering. It's that significant. You can take what you've learned and apply it positively in all aspects of your life.
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熱切期待🔥 FFG 泰拳館內賽2016 第二站 《FFG銅鑼灣分店》6月4日 即將舉行! 經過早前第一站於旺角分店激烈的擂台,相信大家更加期待接下來的賽事! 經過一輪艱辛拳王特訓後,究竟最終那一位學員可以勝出?並且可以代表 FFG 登上國際拳賽擂臺上,成為 真 • 拳王! Coming up with much anticipation! We are delighted to announce that the Second Stop for our preliminary round of FFG Muay Thai In-House Competition 2016 will be held at our Causeway Bay Centre on 4th June 2016. After the fierce battles of the First Stop held at Mong Kok Centre, you must looking forward for the following competition. After receiving days of rigorous Muay Thai training regimes, who can be the final winner? And representing FFG in competing in international competitions and become the REAL CHAMPION!
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[FFG 專屬營養師服務] – 健康飲食 開心運動 夏天到了,為了令大家可以更有效和健康地修身,保持健美身型,FFG除了提供不同武術及健身課程外,很榮幸邀請了陳玉儀飲食及體重管理公司專業團隊強勢加盟!為FFG會員提供不同健康飲食及營養諮詢,包括: — 註冊營養師及營養學家諮詢 — 健康飲食諮詢,理論,教育及跟進服務 健康飲食再配合FFG多元化的健身課程,相信一定可以更有效地幫助大家在夏天保持理想身型! [FFG Dietitians and Nutritionists] – Healthy Diet! Happiness Exercise! Summer is here. In order to help all of you to keep fit in a more effective and health way, other than just providing the marital art and fitness classes, we are honored that we have invited Joanne Chan Weight and Diet Management professional team to join our team. They are all - Registered Dietitians and Nutritionists - Education on healthy diet knowledge and follow up consultations They will provide differ health diet and nutrition consultations to the FFG members. Let’s keep fit and get ready for summer with the help of Joanne’s Team and FFG diversify fitness classes!
Photos from Fight Factory Gym Ltd's post
<<G-1格鬥會>>暫時雖然已經完滿結束,不過相信大家依然有興趣了解思琳在比賽期間的訓練,大家可以留意早前思琳和FFG 兩位教練 Mike Powers和 Cola Chan 的訪問。 Mike Powers - 榮獲多屆全美巴西柔術冠軍 及 泛美巴西柔術冠軍 Cola Chan - 榮獲多項健美比賽冠軍的香港健美先生 << G1 Fight Club>> had come to the end. The following article is an earlier interview with Margiela and 2 FFG coaches, Mike Powers and Cola Chan about her training during the competition, as people are still curious about it. Mike Powers - The Champion of Pan American Purple Belt Feather and U.S Nationals Brown Belt Feather Cola Chan - The Champion of several BodyBuilding competitions, such as Hong Kong BodyBuilding Championships
MI Club
多謝MI CLUB既朋友黎參加FFG既空中瑜珈班!每班可以放到10人或以上架!所以好適合公司包班同同事一齊玩~ 有興趣既可以聯絡返我地 :) Thanks MI Club members for joining our ariel yoga class! 10 or more students can learn together in each class. Just call us for more details!
Photos from Fight Factory Gym Ltd's post
保持健康體魄,才是對家人的最大疼愛。 父親節快到了,FFG已為你準備一份有意思的禮物,預留給你敬愛的爸爸! Father's Day is coming. Why not give father in your life something really special this year......Health & Fitness!
Photos from Fight Factory Gym Ltd's post
恭喜FFG Fight Team又再獲得勝利! 恭喜FFG Fight Team的丸山龍介昨日於<2016年度香港泰拳冠軍爭奪賽>男子組初賽中獲得勝利,並成功晉級,進入複賽!同時為FFG Fight Team的戰績再添一勝!期待你於接下來的比賽再一次為我們爭光!FFG全體員工會全力支持你! 而FFG Fight Team將於6月12日再次出擊, 為FFG爭取更多勝利, 大家請繼續多多支持! Congratulation to FFG Fight Tea for winning again! Congratulation to 丸山龍介, FFG Fight Team for winning in the <Hong Kong Muay Thai Championship 2016> Male group preliminary round, and have succeeded in advancing to the semi-final. Thanks for adding once win into FFG Fight Team record. We are looking forward to your next competition. And the FFG Team is fully support you! FFG Fight Team will have more competition on June 12. We are looking forward for their winnings! Please keep supporting them!
Fight Factory Gym Ltd
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拳王拳后再次駕到旺角鬧市!今次FFG大派<Activlab BCAA XTRA運動飲品>, 既能促進肌肉復元,無糖無人造色素或防腐劑,貫徹品牌以運動員為用家對象的嚴格要求,而且微氣可口的味道能減輕運動後的口渴和嗜甜......直至下午5點,大家快D黎啦! The Champions of Muay Thai will come to Mong Kok Again! This time, FFG is sending out <Activlab BCAA drinks> which help you recover about the strenuous exercise at Mong Kok Sai Yeung Choi Street ! Untill 5pm only. See you at there!
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約定大家聽日,拳王拳后再次駕到旺角鬧市! 上星期我地大派 <Krystal天然鹼性水> 反應非常熱烈,所以今次加碼! 仲會派埋<Activlab BCAA XTRA運動飲品>, 既能促進肌肉復元,無糖無人造色素或防腐劑,貫徹品牌以運動員為用家對象的嚴格要求,而且微氣可口的味道能減輕運動後的口渴和嗜甜...... 聽日下午2點至5點,旺角行人專用區見! Due to the enthusiastic response last week, the Champions of Muay Thai will come to Mong Kok Again! This time, FFG is not just sending out <Krystal Nature's Alkaline Water> at Mong Kok Sai Yeung Choi Street, but also <Activlab BCAA drinks> which help you recover about the strenuous exercise ! Tomorrow from 2pm to 5pm. See you at there!
Photos from Fight Factory Gym Ltd's post
恭喜FFG Fight Team的譚憬聰Kelvin昨日於2016迪暉會呈獻 - 狂抽派搏擊系列賽<<明星腰帶戰 - 超新星慈善賽>>中獲得勝利!!41歲的Kelvin比賽年資超過12年,曾勝出多場大型賽事,並於昨日比賽中再添一勝。而FFG全體員工更是上下一心,全力支持Kelvin!多謝FFG Fight Team為我們爭光! FFG Fight Team將於5月22日及6月12日再次出擊,為FFG爭取更多拳賽的冠軍寶座!大家要多多支持呀! Congratulation to Kelvin Tam, FFG Fight Team for winning in 2016迪暉會呈獻 - 狂抽派搏擊系列賽<<明星腰帶戰 - 超新星慈善賽>> yesterday. Kelvin, 41 years old, had been winning differ competition for the past 12 years, and add one winning in his career yesterday. And the FFG Team is fully support Kelvin! Thanks Kelvin and FFG Fight Team! We are proud of you! FFG Fight Team will have more competition on May 22 and June 12. We are looking forward for their winnings! Please keep supporting them!
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FFG 新開設武術課程《詠春》 由香港詠春聯會及國際詠春研究發展總會執委及教練 - 張德龍親授此課程。 詠春拳腳並用,強調以弱勝強,適合攻擊及防守之用。由於詠春可以調整、鬆弛、均衡身心、鍛鍊肌肉及促進全身循環,所以被視為適合男女老少長期健身強體的運動。 FFG New Martial Art Class 《Wing Chun》 Taught by Ben Cheung, Instructor of Hong Kong Wing Chun Union and International Wing Chun Research and Development Association. Wing Chun is a form of self-defense using striking and grappling. It promotes the concept that weaker person can defend against stronger opponent. Wing Chun regarded as a sport that suitable for all ages and genders to build up muscles and encourage blood circulation.