Adult Education classes in Boyne Community School, Trim, Co Meath. Learn a new skill, Meet new people, Find a new hobby.
Spring Term Evening Classes in the Boyne Community School begin on January 25th at 7.30pm Classes are on either Monday or Wednesday evening and are approx 8 weeks long. Check our website for classes and details.
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facebook.comMid-term break this week. Classes resume again Monday 27th February.
Home - Boyne Adult Education
Places still available for evening classes in the Boyne Community School, Trim. Enrol online: or ring 046 9438000 for information.
Home - Boyne Adult Education
Enrolment will take place in the school on Wednesday the 18th of January from 7 to 8.30 pm. Alternatively please enrol online:
Patchwork Class
Patchwork and Quilting
Home - Boyne Adult Education
New Spring Term 2017 evening classes begin on Monday 30th January and Wednesday 1st February. Classes and Enrolment details on
Open as normal for Evening classes this week! Monday 7th and Wednesday 9th.
Home - Boyne Adult Education
There are some places remaining in the following evening classes: Digital Photography, Sewing, Primary Course in Food Safety, Computers, Health Services Skills, Hairdressing, Pottery, Bicycle maintenance, Yoga. Enrol online: or ring 046 9438000
Places remain in some of the adult education evening classes in the Boyne Community School Trim: Digital Photography, Primary Course In Food Safety, Sewing, Computers, ECDL, Guitar and other classes. Ring 046 9438000 or email
Home - Boyne Adult Education
Evening enrolment will take place in the Boyne Community School Trim on Wednesday 7th, 7.00-8.30 pm, Also enrolment continues online.
Home - Boyne Adult Education
Enrolment starts for the Autumn term Adult Education classes in the Boyne Community School, Trim on Thursday 1st September to Wednesday 7th: 12 to 1pm and 4 to 5pm daily in the adult education office. You can view the brochure and enrol online at
Timeline Photos
Adult Education Autumn 2016 classes starting September 26th.
Boyne Adult Education
Places remaining in several adult education classes in the Boyne Community School, Trim for Spring 2016. Ring 046 9438000 or enrol online