Running logo used to create awareness for 1q4 syndromes
The condition maybe rare but the information doesnt have to be .....
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Certainly had our reasons this morning . Fantastic show of support . Well Done everyone .
Photos from Run4areason's post
Finished Bon Secours Hospital Great Limerick Run 10k the other day . Another super emotional event . Thanks for all your support
Can't complain about this . Results are from January 1st . Very happy can't say the same about legs
January done and dusted 18lbs lost from our 5k a day challenge . It's finally great to feel some what Alive again . Motivated and fired up . Back on the bike and waiting for the next challenge . But setting little goals as stepping stones to the real goal spread across personal , work and sporting achievement . Thanks so much for all the texts of support throughout . This is only part of the overall journey . Post soon again . Here's to February
My main reason for getting in to Running and Cycling . My inspiration my motivation . Sophies passing has impacted life in a number of ways . Of late running has helped in so many ways . Head Space and Health . Formerly 18stone 6lbs . Today has marked 17lbs 5lbs . The Journey we hope can be continued on a path of change .
Would you Run 31 Days for this ??? Oh I would yeah indeed
115km covered in 19 days . WTF . Really enjoying it . Accountability, charity . Perfect motivation
Day 11 Done
Photos from Run4areason's post
Day 7 Done ✅