Colaiste Chraobh Abhann is a secondary school in Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow Colaiste Chraobh Abhann is a secondary school in Kilcoole Co. Wicklow under the auspices of Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board.
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facebook.comPlenty of Coláiste Chraobh Abhann Kilcoole students in the newspapers this week! #whatsyourbeef #angus #success #entrepreneurs #CCA
Our young entrepreneurs featuring in the Wicklow People this week!
Happy Easter from all at Coláiste Chraobh Abhann Kilcoole. Here are some Easter buns made by our first year home economics students! Hope you all have a nice Easter break! 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣
Well done to our first years who were involved in an English debate this morning The first semi-final of the 1st Year debate took place on Friday 23rd of March, with 1RCG debating the motion ‘Animals should have the same rights as humans’ against 1 AWH. Proposing the motion for 1AWH were captain Daniel Byrne, along with Aisling Molloy Kearns and Kaci Turner. The opposing team from 1RCG were Holly Doyle and Angel Royston led by captain Ryan Curran. Judge Mr Creavin commended both teams on their Both excellent debates, awarding the winning team to 1RCG, and the best speaker being awarded to 1AWH captain Daniel Byrne. 1RCG will now face 1SHY or 1SWD in the final
2nd year tour update Following the news today of the cancellation of our 2nd year tour, please see below the most up to date information available to us. We will update you as soon as there are any further developments. Coláiste Chraobh Abhann Kilcoole
Celebration of pi day by the maths department in CCA today with an event for second years. Well done to our winners and cake bakers! #pi #3.14 #maths
Celebrating pie day Coláiste Chraobh Abhann Kilcoole ➕➖✖️➗
Well done to one of our 6th year students who received a medal at the final of the Joutes Oratoires debating competition in the Alliance Française on Friday evening which was hosted by the French Ambassador. A huge félicitations on this special award.
Our amazing YSI team at the speak out today! Remember everyone has a somebody.... Who's yours?
Our young entrepreneurs picked up five trophies at the Student Enterprise Programme Local Enterprise Office Wicklow enterprise awards today! Well done to our four junior teams who each won categories and to one of our senior teams who won the overall prize and go forward to represent County Wicklow at the National Final in Croke Park. #handyhelpers #bark #pebblepals #fancyflames #studentsavers #AdsandAdsCo #WILDWICKLOWCRAFTS #Entrepreneurs
Local Enterprise Office Wicklow Student Enterprise Champions 2018! Coláiste Chraobh Abhann Kilcoole Well done to Wild Wicklow Crafts! Student Enterprise Programme #champions #proud #entrepreneurs
Coláiste Chraobh Abhann Kilcoole find your fire team performing at the Young Social Innovators.... well done to the team!